- 完整的,全长的
- 未删减的,未缩短的
- 全套的,完整的
- 完全的,彻底的
- 达到标准长度的
- 全长电影
- 全长录音
- full-length film:全长电影
- full-length album:全长专辑
- full-length mirror:全身镜
- complete:完整的
- unabridged:未删减的,未缩短的
- integral:完整的
- whole:全长的
- abridged:删减的,缩短的
- shortened:缩短的
- incomplete:不完整的
full-length (adj.)
- If you describe something such as a film or book as full-length, you mean that it is as long as a film or book of its kind usually is.
- A full-length mirror shows you as you really are, not just a section of your face or body.
- A full-length coat or dress reaches from the top of your shoulders to your feet.
full-length (adj.)
- (of a book, film, or play) of the normal or standard length, not shortened or abridged.
- (of a mirror) of a size that shows a person's full height.
1. A full-length film/album/book: 一部全长电影/专辑/书籍
2. She looked at herself in the full-length mirror: 她照着全身镜看了自己。
- The movie is a full-length documentary about wildlife conservation. 这部电影是一部关于野生动物保护的全长纪录片。
- They released a full-length album with 12 new songs. 他们发布了一张包含12首新歌的全长专辑。
- The director decided to screen the full-length version of the play. 导演决定放映戏剧的完整版。
- She admired herself in the full-length mirror before leaving the house. 她在出门前在全身镜前欣赏了自己。
- She wore a full-length gown to the red carpet event. 她穿着一件全长礼服参加红毯活动。
- The full-length coat protected her from the cold winter wind. 这件长大衣保护她免受寒冷的冬风。
- The novel was published in its full-length version. 这部小说以完整版的形式出版。
- The album includes both full-length songs and short interludes. 这张专辑既包含全长歌曲,也有短暂的过渡曲目。
- He watched the full-length version of the film on DVD. 他在DVD上观看了电影的完整版。
- The full-length mirror reflected her entire outfit. 全身镜反射了她整个的装扮。
- She bought a full-length dress for the formal event. 她为正式场合购买了一条全长礼服。
- The full-length documentary explores the lives of endangered species. 这部全长纪录片探索了濒危物种的生活。
- The full-length version of the play is three hours long. 这个戏剧的完整版长达三个小时。
- She could see her reflection from head to toe in the full-length mirror. 她可以从头到脚看到自己在全身镜中的倒影。
- The full-length coat provided warmth in the cold winter weather. 这件长大衣在寒冷的冬天提供了温暖。
- The full-length version of the album includes bonus tracks. 这张专辑的完整版包含了额外的曲目。
- She took a picture of herself in the full-length mirror. 她在全身镜前给自己拍了一张照片。
- He bought a full-length book on the history of art. 他买了一本有关艺术史的全长书籍。
- They decided to release a full-length version of the film on Blu-ray. 他们决定在蓝光光碟上发布电影的完整版。
- She wore a full-length gown with intricate embroidery. 她穿着一件细致刺绣的全长礼服。
- The full-length documentary received critical acclaim. 这部全长纪录片获得了广泛的好评。