1. 引人注目的;有吸引力的
英文释义:attractive or inviting.
- The shop window displayed a beckoning array of colorful dresses. (这家商店橱窗展示了一系列引人注目的彩色连衣裙。)
- The beckoning beaches of Hawaii attract tourists from all over the world. (夏威夷迷人的海滩吸引着来自世界各地的游客。)
1. 招手;招引
英文释义:a gesture made with the hand to encourage someone to come nearer or follow.
- She gave a beckoning gesture for the children to join her. (她招手示意孩子们过来。)
- The hiker followed the beckoning of the guide towards the hidden waterfall. (徒步旅行者跟随导游的招手走向隐藏的瀑布。)
attractive, inviting, alluring
repelling, unattractive, discouraging
beckoning (adj.) - making a gesture with the hand, arm, etc., to encourage someone to come nearer or follow
beckoning (adj.) - making gestures to encourage someone to come nearer
1. 作为形容词时,通常用来描述某物具有吸引力或引人注目。
2. 作为名词时,指的是用手势鼓励某人靠近或跟随。
- The shop window displayed a beckoning array of colorful dresses. (这家商店橱窗展示了一系列引人注目的彩色连衣裙。)
- The beckoning beaches of Hawaii attract tourists from all over the world. (夏威夷迷人的海滩吸引着来自世界各地的游客。)
- She gave a beckoning gesture for the children to join her. (她招手示意孩子们过来。)
- The hiker followed the beckoning of the guide towards the hidden waterfall. (徒步旅行者跟随导游的招手走向隐藏的瀑布。)
- The bright lights of the city were beckoning us to explore its vibrant nightlife. (城市的灯光吸引我们探索其充满活力的夜生活。)
- He couldn't resist the beckoning call of the ocean and dived into the waves. (他无法抗拒大海的召唤,跳入了波浪中。)
- The beckoning smile on her face made him feel welcome. (她脸上迷人的微笑让他感到受欢迎。)
- From the hilltop, the city below looked beckoning and full of possibilities. (从山顶上看,下面的城市看起来充满吸引力和无限可能。)
- His beckoning hand guided me through the crowded market. (他招手示意引领我穿过拥挤的市场。)
- The beckoning of adventure led him to embark on a journey around the world. (冒险的呼唤引导他展开了一次环游世界的旅程。)
- She stood at the doorway, beckoning him to come inside. (她站在门口,招手示意他进来。)
- The beckoning scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the bakery. (新鲜烤面包的诱人香气飘过面包店。)
- With a beckoning smile, she invited him to join her on the dance floor. (她露出一个招人喜欢的笑容,邀请他加入她的舞池。)
- His beckoning eyes held a promise of adventure and excitement. (他招手的眼神里透露出冒险和兴奋的承诺。)
- The beckoning prospect of fame and fortune drew many aspiring actors to Hollywood. (名利的诱人前景吸引了许多有抱负的演员来到好莱坞。)
- She followed the beckoning path that led to a hidden garden. (她沿着引领到隐藏花园的小路前行。)
- His beckoning hand signaled for the waiter to bring the menu. (他招手示意服务员拿菜单来。)
- The beckoning horizon stretched out before them, inviting them to explore the unknown. (引人注目的地平线展现在他们面前,邀请他们去探索未知。)
- Their beckoning laughter echoed through the empty hallways. (他们引人注目的笑声在空荡的走廊中回荡。)
- She couldn't resist the beckoning of the chocolate cake and took a large slice. (她无法抗拒巧克力蛋糕的诱惑,取了一大块。)