idolatry [aɪˈdɒlətri] (名词、形容词)名词
- 对偶像的崇拜
- 盲目崇拜、迷恋
- 崇拜的
- idolater: 偶像崇拜者
- idolize: 崇拜、盲目崇拜
- idolism: 偶像崇拜
worship, adulation, devotion, reverence, veneration
disdain, contempt, aversion, detestation
idolatry (noun)
- the worship of idols
- blind or excessive devotion or admiration
idolatry (noun)
- worship of idols
- extreme admiration, love, or reverence for something or someone
Idolatry is the worship of idols.
She has an idolatry for her favorite pop star.
His idolatry of money blinds him to the value of relationships.
Many people accuse celebrities of promoting idolatry among their fans.
- Her idolatry of the famous actor is well-known to everyone. (她对那位著名演员的崇拜是众所周知的。)
- He worships the ground she walks on, it's pure idolatry. (他对她是一种盲目崇拜,纯粹是偶像崇拜。)
- Their idolatry of wealth blinds them to the issues affecting the less fortunate. (他们对财富的崇拜使他们对困苦人的问题视而不见。)
- Idolatry has been a common practice in many ancient civilizations. (偶像崇拜在许多古代文明中是一种常见的做法。)
- Some people argue that the obsession with social media is a form of idolatry. (有人认为对社交媒体的痴迷是一种偶像崇拜。)
- His idolatry of power led to his downfall. (他对权力的崇拜导致了他的失败。)
- She has an idolatry for fashion and spends all her money on designer clothes. (她对时尚有着盲目的崇拜,把所有的钱都花在了名牌服装上。)
- The idolatry of celebrities can sometimes lead to unrealistic expectations. (对名人的崇拜有时会导致不切实际的期望。)
- He was criticized for his idolatry of material possessions. (他因为对物质财富的盲目崇拜而受到批评。)
- Idolatry is considered a sin in many religious traditions. (偶像崇拜在许多宗教传统中被认为是一种罪过。)
- Her idolatry of her favorite singer borders on obsession. (她对她最喜欢的歌手的崇拜边缘接近痴迷。)
- The idolatry of money has corrupted society. (对金钱的崇拜已经腐败了社会。)
- His idolatry of success blinds him to the importance of personal relationships. (他对成功的盲目崇拜使他无法理解个人关系的重要性。)
- Idolatry can be seen as a form of escapism from reality. (偶像崇拜可以被看作是一种逃避现实的方式。)
- The idolatry of celebrities often leads to unrealistic beauty standards. (对名人的崇拜经常导致不切实际的美丽标准。)
- She has idolatry for her favorite sports team and never misses a game. (她对她最喜欢的体育队有着盲目的崇拜,从不错过一场比赛。)
- The idolatry of fame and fortune can be destructive to one's well-being. (对名利的崇拜对一个人的幸福有破坏性。)
- His idolatry of his boss makes it difficult for him to see any flaws in his behavior. (他对他的老板的盲目崇拜使他很难看到他行为中的任何缺点。)
- Idolatry is often associated with religious practices in ancient civilizations. (偶像崇拜常常与古代文明中的宗教活动联系在一起。)
- The idolatry of power can lead to corruption and abuse of authority. (对权力的崇拜可能导致腐败和滥用职权。)