1. pluginto [计算机] 可插入的,可连接的名词
1. pluginto [计算机] 插头,插座词语辨析
1. pluginto vs. plug in - plug into: 插上(电源、电缆等) - plug in: 连接(设备),插入(插座)词汇扩充
plug into (phrasal verb) 1. If you plug a piece of electrical equipment into an electricity supply or if you plug it in, you connect it to the electricity supply using a plug. - Plug the machine into the wall socket. 把机器插入插座。 - I plugged in the hairdryer and turned it on. 我把吹风机插上插座并打开了。 2. If you plug into a system or network, you connect your computer or electronic device to it in order to use it. - Plug into the internet and explore a whole new world of information. 连接到互联网,探索一个全新的信息世界。牛津词典
plug into (phrasal verb) 1. Connect (an electrical device) to a socket by means of a plug. - She plugged her laptop into the socket. 她把笔记本电脑插入插座。 2. Connect (a computer or other device) to a central source of data. - The system allows you to plug into any database on the network. 该系统允许您连接到网络上的任何数据库。用法
- Pluginto is mainly used in the context of computers and electronics to describe the act of connecting a device to a power source or network. - It can be used both as a verb phrase ("plug into") and as a noun ("pluginto"). - It is often followed by a specific object, such as a socket, power source, or network.例句
- I need to plug my phone into the charger. (我需要将手机插入充电器。)
- Remember to plug the printer into the USB port. (记得将打印机插入USB端口。)
- He plugged his laptop into the power outlet. (他把笔记本电脑插到电源插座上。)
- Make sure you plug the cable into the correct socket. (确保把电缆插入正确的插座。)
- The device is designed to plug into any standard USB port. (该设备设计用于插入任何标准的USB端口。)
- She plugged her headphones into the audio jack. (她把耳机插入音频插孔。)
- The new computer can easily plug into the existing network. (这台新电脑可以轻松连接到现有网络。)
- Students can plug into the school's Wi-Fi network. (学生可以连接到学校的Wi-Fi网络。)
- He plugged his gaming console into the TV and started playing. (他把游戏机插到电视上开始玩。)
- She plugged the camera into the computer to transfer the photos. (她把相机插到电脑上传输照片。)
- Pluginto the power strip to charge your devices. (将设备插入电源插排进行充电。)
- I'm going to plug my external hard drive into the USB port. (我要把外置硬盘插入USB端口。)
- Don't forget to pluginto the network before accessing the shared files. (在访问共享文件之前,不要忘记连接到网络。)
- The smart TV can pluginto various streaming services. (智能电视可以连接到各种流媒体服务。)
- He plugged the microphone into the audio mixer. (他把麦克风插入音频混音器。)
- Pluginto the available power source and turn on the device. (将设备插入可用的电源并打开设备。)
- You can pluginto any USB port on your computer. (你可以将其插入计算机上的任何USB端口。)
- Make sure you pluginto the correct network to access the printer. (确保连接到正确的网络以访问打印机。)
- She pluggedinto the conference call from her home office. (她从家里的办公室加入了电话会议。)
- Pluginto the available resources to enhance your learning experience. (利用可用的资源来增强学习体验。)