rebel against (intransitive verb) If you rebel against something you do not like or do not want to accept, you resist it or fight against it. - The prisoners rebelled against the guards. - Students were rebelling against the old order.牛津词典
rebel against (verb) To resist or defy an authority, control, or tradition. - They rebelled against their parents. - The workers rebelled against the new regulations.用法
rebel against 的常见用法是作为动词短语,表示反抗、抵抗或违抗某种权威、控制或传统等。可以用来描述个人或团体对某种规则、制度或观念的反叛。相关例句
- He rebelled against his parents' strict rules. (他反抗父母的严格规定。)
- The citizens rebelled against the oppressive government. (市民们反抗了压迫性政府。)
- She rebelled against society's expectations and pursued her own path. (她反抗了社会的期望,追求了自己的道路。)
- The workers rebelled against the unfair treatment by going on strike. (工人们通过罢工反抗了不公平待遇。)
- Teenagers often rebel against authority figures as a way to assert their independence. (青少年通常通过反抗权威人物来表达他们的独立性。)
- The rebel army fought bravely against the oppressive regime. (反叛军勇敢地与压迫政权作战。)
- She was seen as a rebel for challenging traditional gender roles. (她因挑战传统的性别角色而被视为叛逆者。)
- They rebelled against the outdated traditions and embraced modern values. (他们反抗过时的传统,拥抱现代价值观。)
- He rebelled against the unfair treatment by organizing protests. (他通过组织抗议活动反抗不公平待遇。)
- The rebel forces launched an attack against the government troops. (反叛势力对政府军发起了攻击。)
- The rebel leader called for his followers to rise up against the oppressive regime. (反叛领袖号召追随者起来反抗压迫政权。)
- She rebelled against societal norms and pursued a career in the arts. (她反抗了社会规范,追求了艺术事业。)
- The rebel soldiers fought valiantly against the enemy forces. (反叛士兵勇敢地与敌军作战。)
- They rebelled against the company's unethical practices by organizing a boycott. (他们通过组织抵制行动来反抗公司的不道德做法。)
- He rebelled against his strict upbringing and embraced a more liberal lifestyle. (他反抗了严格的教养方式,拥抱了更自由的生活方式。)
- The rebel group launched a series of attacks against government installations. (反叛团伙对政府设施发起了一系列袭击。)
- She rebelled against societal expectations and chose a non-traditional career. (她反抗了社会的期望,选择了一份非传统的职业。)
- The rebel fighters refused to surrender and continued their resistance. (反叛战士拒绝投降,继续抵抗。)
- He rebelled against the oppressive regime and joined the underground resistance movement. (他反抗了压迫政权,加入了地下抵抗运动。)
- The rebel army grew in strength as more people joined their cause. (随着越来越多的人加入他们的事业,反叛军壮大了。)