1. Adjective
Meaning: Carrying out a careful examination or scrutiny
2. Noun
Meaning: The act of examining or scrutinizing
Related Words:
Collins Dictionary:
[VERB] If you inspect something, you look at every part of it carefully in order to find out about it or check that it is all right.
[NOUN] An inspection of something is an official visit to it in order to check that things are satisfactory or legal.
[ADJ] Inspecting is used to describe things that are used for checking something.
Oxford Dictionary:
[VERB] Look at (someone or something) closely, typically to assess their condition or to discover any shortcomings.
[NOUN] A careful examination or scrutiny.
[ADJ] Used for the purpose of careful examination or scrutiny.
- I will be inspecting the new building tomorrow. (我将于明天检查这栋新建筑。)
- The inspector spent hours inspecting the factory for safety violations. (检查员花了几个小时检查工厂是否存在安全违规行为。)
- He carefully inspected every document on the table. (他仔细检查了桌上的每份文件。)
- The inspection of the equipment revealed several faults. (对设备的检查揭示了几个故障。)
- The inspector's job is to conduct regular inspections of the facility. (检查员的工作是定期对设施进行检查。)
- After inspecting the damage, the insurance adjuster determined the cost of repairs. (检查了损坏情况后,保险理赔员确定了修理费用。)
- The team inspected the vehicle thoroughly before purchasing it. (购买车辆之前,团队对其进行了彻底的检查。)
- The manager conducted an inspection of the hotel rooms to ensure cleanliness. (经理对酒店房间进行了检查,以确保清洁。)
- Inspecting the product before packaging is essential to maintain quality standards. (在包装之前检查产品对于保持质量标准至关重要。)
- They hired an independent inspector to inspect the construction site. (他们雇了一名独立的检查员来检查施工现场。)
- We need to inspect the goods upon delivery to ensure they are not damaged. (我们需要在交货时检查货物,以确保它们没有损坏。)
- The government carried out an inspection of the company's financial records. (政府对该公司的财务记录进行了检查。)
- The building underwent a thorough inspection before being declared safe for occupancy. (该建筑在被宣布适合居住之前经过了彻底的检查。)
- The inspector carefully inspected the food processing facility for hygiene violations. (检查员仔细检查了食品加工设施是否存在卫生违规行为。)
- Inspecting the quality of raw materials is crucial in maintaining product standards. (检查原材料的质量对于保持产品标准至关重要。)
- The inspector wore gloves and a mask while inspecting the hazardous waste site. (检查员在检查危险废物现场时戴着手套和口罩。)
- The inspector found several defects during the inspection of the newly constructed bridge. (在对新建桥梁的检查中,检查员发现了几个缺陷。)
- Inspecting the merchandise before purchase is advisable to avoid any unpleasant surprises. (购买商品前检查是明智的,以避免任何不愉快的意外。)
- After inspecting the house, the buyer decided to negotiate a lower price due to the repairs needed. (在检查房屋后,买家决定因为需要维修而谈判降低价格。)
- The inspector praised the company for maintaining high standards during the inspection. (检查员在检查中表扬该公司保持了高标准。)