cross section
1. 截面的;横切面的
cross section 和 cross-sectional 均表示“截面的”,但cross section 更多用于名词短语中,例如 cross section analysis(截面分析),而 cross-sectional 更多用于形容词短语中,例如 cross-sectional study(横断面研究)。
1. 横切面;截面
2. (在报纸或杂志上的)剖析,概述
3. (统计)样本;样本群
cross-sectional study(横断面研究)
cross-section analysis(截面分析)
crosscut, section, slice
cross section (noun)
1. a section that has been cut from something, especially from the inside of a solid object
2. a small group of people who have been chosen from a larger group to take part in a survey, etc.
3. a picture or piece of writing that describes or shows something in a general way, rather than the details
4. a small part of a play, film/movie, etc., that shows something typical of the whole
cross section (noun)
1. a surface or shape that is or could be exposed by making a straight cut through something, especially at right angles to an axis
2. a representative sample of a larger group
3. a section through the body
4. a small representative part of something larger
- The cross-sectional view of the bridge shows its inner structure.(横切面视图展示了桥梁的内部结构。)
- We conducted a cross-sectional study to examine the relationship between income and health.(我们进行了一项横断面研究,以探索收入与健康之间的关系。)
- The newspaper article provides a cross section of public opinion on the issue.(这篇报纸文章概述了关于这个问题的公众意见。)
- The play's cross section of characters represents different aspects of society.(该剧中的人物群体代表了社会的不同方面。)
- The cross section of the tree trunk reveals its age and growth patterns.(树干的横切面揭示了它的年龄和生长模式。)
- The survey interviewed a cross section of the population to gather diverse opinions.(该调查采访了人口的一个截面,以收集不同的意见。)
- Researchers used cross-sectional data to analyze trends in consumer behavior.(研究人员使用横断面数据分析消费行为的趋势。)
- The cross section of the building shows the layout of each floor.(建筑的截面显示了每层的布局。)
- She conducted a cross-sectional study to compare different age groups.(她进行了一项横断面研究,比较了不同年龄组。)
- The book provides a cross section of historical events from the past century.(这本书提供了过去一个世纪的历史事件概述。)
- The cross section of the rock reveals its mineral composition.(岩石的截面揭示了它的矿物组成。)
- The cross-sectional analysis examined the relationship between education and income.(横断面分析研究了教育和收入之间的关系。)
- A cross section of the population was surveyed to gather opinions on the new policy.(对人口的一个截面进行了调查,以了解对新政策的意见。)
- The cross section of the fruit shows its juicy interior.(水果的截面显示了它多汁的内部。)
- He conducted a cross-sectional study to analyze the data collected from different time periods.(他进行了一项横断面研究,分析了从不同时间段收集到的数据。)
- A cross section of the audience gave positive feedback on the performance.(观众中的一部分给予了演出积极的反馈。)
- The cross-sectional view of the city reveals its diverse architecture.(对该城市的横切面视图显示了它多样化的建筑风格。)
- The survey included a cross section of people from different socioeconomic backgrounds.(该调查包括了来自不同社会经济背景的人群的截面。)
- The cross section of the leaf shows its intricate veins.(叶子的截面显示了它复杂的叶脉。)
- A cross-sectional analysis was conducted to understand the prevalence of the disease.(进行了横断面分析,以了解该疾病的患病率。)
- The cross section of the building displayed its modern interior design.(建筑的截面展示了其现代内部设计。)