rankas is a word in Esperanto, a constructed international auxiliary language. It is a combination of the words "rank" and "as" and translates to "to rank as" or "to be ranked as" in English.Adjective
1. rankas (comparative: rankas, superlative: rankas) - ranked - rated - classifiedUsage:
1. rankas (plural: rankas) - rank - position - statusUsage:
Different Meanings:
- As an adjective, rankas means "ranked" or "rated" and is used to describe the position or classification of something. - As a noun, rankas means "rank," "position," or "status" and refers to a person's standing or level in a hierarchy.Word Differentiation:
- rankas (adjective) vs. rankas (noun) - rankas (ranked) vs. klasifikas (classified) - rankas (position) vs. situacio (situation)Synonyms:
- klasifikas (classify, categorize) - gradas (grade, rate, rank) - pozicias (position, place)Antonyms:
- malsupras (lower, below) - malklasifikas (declassify, unclassify) - malsamvaloras (undervalue)Collins Dictionary:
rankas (Esperanto) - verb 1. (transitive) to rank 2. (intransitive) to be rankedOxford Dictionary:
rankas (Esperanto) - verb 1. rank (in a particular order or position)Examples:
- La teamo estas rankas la dua en la ligo. (The team is ranked second in the league.)
- Ŝi estas rankas kiel tre taletnita dansistino. (She is ranked as a very talented dancer.)
- Li atingis altan rankas en sia profesio. (He achieved a high rank in his profession.)
- Ŝi havas altan socialan rankas. (She has a high social status.)
- La filmo estis rankas kiel la plej bona de la jaro. (The movie was ranked as the best of the year.)
- Tiuj libroj estas rankas laŭ popularo. (These books are ranked according to popularity.)
- La studento rankas kiel unu el la plej inteligentaj en sia klaso. (The student ranks as one of the most intelligent in his class.)
- Mi preferas la romanon al la poemo, ĉar ĝi rankas pli interesa. (I prefer the novel to the poem because it ranks as more interesting.)
- La firmao rankas inter la plej grandaj en la industrio. (The company ranks among the largest in the industry.)
- La produkto estas rankas kiel alta kvalito. (The product is ranked as high quality.)
- La aŭtoro rankas je la sama nivelo kiel famaj verkistoj. (The author ranks at the same level as famous writers.)
- Mi ne scias, kiel li rankas pri sia laboro. (I don't know how he ranks in terms of his work.)
- La lando rankas inter la plej progresaj en la mondo. (The country ranks among the most progressive in the world.)
- Li rankas inter la plej bonaj futbalistoj de la ligo. (He ranks among the best footballers in the league.)
- La hotelo rankas tre alta en la turisma industrio. (The hotel ranks very high in the tourism industry.)
- La lernejo rankas kiel la plej bona en la regiono. (The school is ranked as the best in the region.)
- La raporto rankas laŭ gravedo de la problemo. (The report ranks according to the seriousness of the problem.)
- La aktoro rankas inter la plej talentaj en la industrio. (The actor ranks among the most talented in the industry.)
- La libro rankas je la sama nivelo kiel la aliaj verkoj de la aŭtoro. (The book ranks at the same level as the author's other works.)
- La studentoj rankas je siaj spertoj kaj kontribuoj al la projekto. (The students are ranked according to their experiences and contributions to the project.)
- La sportisto rankas kiel la plej bonaj en sia disciplino. (The athlete ranks as the best in his discipline.)