1. descending [dɪˈsɛndɪŋ]:
1) 下降的;向下的
2) 降序的;递减的
3) 后代的;下一代的
4) 下行的;降低的
1. descending [dɪˈsɛndɪŋ]:
1) 下降;降低
2) 降序排列
3) 后代;下一代
4) 下行
descending与descending order的辨析:
1) descending可用作形容词,表示“下降的;向下的”;
2) descending order是一个固定词组,表示“降序排列”的意思。
1. descend [dɪˈsɛnd]:下降,下来,降临
2. descendible [dɪˈsɛndəbəl]:可下降的
3. descendant [dɪˈsɛndənt]:后裔,后代
4. descendancy [dɪˈsɛndənsi]:后代,血统
5. descendible [dɪˈsɛndəbəl]:可下降的
1. dropping [ˈdrɑpɪŋ]:下行的,下降的
2. decreasing [dɪˈkrisɪŋ]:减少的,递减的
3. falling [ˈfɔlɪŋ]:下降的,落下的
1. ascending [əˈsɛndɪŋ]:上升的,向上的
2. rising [ˈraɪzɪŋ]:上升的,增加的
descending [dɪˈsɛndɪŋ] (adj.):
1) If you describe a group of things as descending, you mean that they are considered to be less important or of a lower quality than other similar things.
2) A descending order or scale of importance is one that starts with the most important or highest member and ends with the least important or lowest member.
descending [dɪˈsɛndɪŋ] (adj.):
1) Sloping or leading downwards.
2) (of a scale) Decreasing in size or importance.
3) (of a group of people or things) Arranged in a descending order.
4) (of a musical scale) Proceeding stepwise from the tonic.
5) (of a node in a tree diagram) Connected to its descendants by downward branches.
1. The path became steeper as they continued their descending journey down the mountain.
2. The highest scores were listed in descending order.
3. He is the descending monarch of the royal family.
4. The descending order of importance should be followed in this task.
5. The temperature has been descending rapidly over the past few hours.
- He watched the ball's descending flight. 他注视着球下坠的过程。
- She carefully climbed down the descending staircase. 她小心地下了楼梯。
- The numbers are listed in descending order. 数字按降序排列。
- The descending order of importance should be followed. 应按照重要性的降序来进行。
- He is the descending monarch of the royal family. 他是皇室家族的后裔君主。
- The descending temperature made us put on more clothes. 温度下降,我们穿上了更多的衣服。
- The descending trend in sales is concerning for the company. 销售的下降趋势对公司来说是令人担忧的。
- She ranked the items in descending order of importance. 她按重要性的降序排列了这些项目。
- The descending plane circled the airport before landing. 下降的飞机在着陆前绕着机场盘旋。
- In the descending scale of importance, love is above wealth. 在重要性的降序中,爱高于财富。
- The descending trail led us to a beautiful waterfall. 下降的小径引领我们来到一个美丽的瀑布。
- The descending order of the numbers is as follows: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6. 数字的降序如下:10、9、8、7、6。
- She ranked the students' performances in descending order. 她按照降序排列了学生们的表现。
- The descending river flows through several small villages. 这条下行的河流经过几个小村庄。
- The descending numbers on the scale indicate weight loss. 刻度盘上的下行数字表示减肥。
- The descending stairs were difficult to climb. 那个下降的楼梯很难上去。
- He is the descending heir to the throne. 他是王位的后继者。
- The descending order of the colors is red, orange, yellow, green. 颜色的降序是红、橙、黄、绿。
- She followed the descending path through the forest. 她沿着下降的小路穿过森林。
- The descending order of the numbers is as follows: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 数字的降序如下:5、4、3、2、1。