abating abated名词
1. 减少;减轻 2. (法律)减轻,减免 3. (建筑)减少,减弱(噪音、污染等) 4. (疾病)减退,缓解词语辨析
abatement (n.)
1. the act or process of reducing
2. a reduction, decrease, or diminution
3. (Law) the termination of a suit, quashing of a nuisance, etc
4. (Building) the management of the surface water runoff from a building, road, etc
abatement (n.)
1. the action of reducing or lessening
2. a reduction or decrease
3. (Law) the ending, reduction, or removal of a nuisance
4. (Construction) the reduction or removal of polluting or harmful substances
1. The government has taken measures to abate pollution in the city.政府已采取措施减轻城市的污染。
2. The noise from the construction site is causing great inconvenience to the residents, so they demanded an abatement of the noise.建筑工地的噪音给居民带来了很大的不便,所以他们要求降低噪音。
3. The court ordered the abatement of the company's illegal activities.法院下令制止该公司的非法活动。
4. The abatement of the disease symptoms brought relief to the patient.疾病症状的缓解给患者带来了舒缓。
5. The company is eligible for a tax abatement due to its contribution to the local economy.该公司由于对当地经济的贡献而有资格享受税收减免。
6. After the heavy rain, the abatement of the water level in the river was noticeable.大雨过后,河水的水位下降明显。
7. The government has implemented policies to abate greenhouse gas emissions.政府已实施政策以减少温室气体排放。
8. The noise abatement measures taken by the airport have improved the quality of life for nearby residents.机场采取的降噪措施改善了附近居民的生活质量。
9. The abatable pollution levels in the river have raised concerns among environmentalists.河流中可减少的污染水平引起了环保人士的担忧。
10. The government should provide tax incentives for businesses that invest in abatement technologies.政府应该为投资于减排技术的企业提供税收激励。
11. The company has successfully achieved an abatement of its carbon emissions.该公司已成功减少了碳排放。
12. The city council approved the abatement plan for reducing air pollution.市议会批准了减少空气污染的方案。
13. The court granted the residents an abatement of the noise caused by the nearby factory.法院同意对附近工厂引起的噪音给予居民减轻。
14. The abatement of the disease symptoms brought hope to the patient's family.疾病症状的缓解给患者家人带来了希望。
15. The company received a tax abatement for its contribution to job creation in the area.该公司因为在该地区创造就业机会而获得了税收减免。
16. The construction project includes abatement measures to reduce noise pollution.建筑项目包括减少噪音污染的措施。
17. The abatement of the floodwaters brought relief to the affected communities.洪水的退却给受灾社区带来了缓解。
18. The government should invest more in abatement technologies to combat air pollution.政府应该加大对减排技术的投资以应对空气污染。
19. The noise abatement program aims to reduce the impact of aircraft noise on nearby residents.降噪计划旨在减少飞机噪音对附近居民的影响。
20. The company was fined for not complying with the abatement regulations.该公司因未遵守减轻规定而被罚款。