1. rollback [形容词]:可回滚的,可撤销的。
1. rollback [名词]:撤销,回滚。
2. rollback [名词]:(政治、经济上的)倒退,后退。
3. rollback [名词]:(计算机)回滚,还原。
- rollback:强调撤销或回滚,通常用于撤销政策、项目等。
- revoke:强调取消、撤销某项授权、许可等。
- repeal:强调废除、撤销某项法律、法规等。
- roll back:撤销,回滚。
- roll forward:继续进行,向前推进。
- roll up:卷起,撤回,取消。
- revert
- undo
- retreat
- retreat
- cancel
- advance
- progress
- move forward
- go ahead
rollback (名词): An attempt to change a situation back to what it was before.
示例:The peace talks must not be allowed to suffer a rollback.
rollback (名词): The act or an instance of something being rolled back; a reduction or decrease.
示例:The government promised a rollback of taxes.
1. We need to rollback the changes made to the system. (我们需要撤销对系统所做的更改。)
2. The company announced a rollback in prices. (公司宣布降价。)
3. The government's decision sparked a rollback of civil rights. (政府的决定引发了公民权利的倒退。)
- We have to rollback the recent policy changes. (我们必须撤销最近的政策变更。)
- The company announced a rollback of the price increase. (公司宣布降低价格上涨。)
- The government's decision led to a rollback of environmental regulations. (政府的决定导致环境法规的倒退。)
- They are calling for a rollback of the new tax law. (他们呼吁撤销新的税法。)
- The software allows for easy rollback to a previous version. (该软件允许轻松回滚到之前的版本。)
- The president promised a rollback of the controversial policies. (总统承诺撤销有争议的政策。)
- The company decided on a rollback of the proposed salary increase. (公司决定回滚提议的薪资增加。)
- There is a need for a rollback in military spending. (有必要回滚军事开支。)
- They are afraid of a rollback in civil liberties. (他们担心公民自由的倒退。)
- The system has a built-in rollback feature. (该系统具有内置的回滚功能。)
- The government is considering a rollback of the controversial legislation. (政府正在考虑撤销有争议的立法。)
- The company implemented a rollback plan to address the financial crisis. (公司实施了一项应对金融危机的回滚计划。)
- The union is demanding a rollback of the recent pay cuts. (工会要求撤销最近的薪资削减。)
- The president is facing pressure for a rollback of his immigration policies. (总统面临撤销其移民政策的压力。)
- The company's decision to raise prices was met with public outcry and demands for a rollback. (公司提高价格的决定引发了公众的强烈抗议和要求回滚。)
- The rollback of civil rights is a step in the wrong direction. (公民权利的倒退是朝着错误的方向迈出的一步。)
- The government's rollback of the education reform angered many teachers. (政府对教育改革的倒退激怒了许多教师。)
- The software allows for easy rollback to a previous version. (该软件允许轻松回滚到之前的版本。)
- The president's decision to cut funding for environmental programs was met with calls for a rollback. (总统削减环境项目资金的决定引发了要求回滚的呼声。)
- There is a growing demand for a rollback of the new tax law. (对新税法的回滚的需求日益增长。)
- The government's rollback of social welfare programs has left many vulnerable citizens without support. (政府对社会福利计划的倒退使许多弱势公民失去了支持。)