1. 长袍,斗篷
词语辨析:cloak, robe
柯林斯词典:A hood is a part of a coat which you can pull up to cover your head.
牛津词典:A hood is a part of a coat that can be pulled up to cover the top and back of the head.
1. She pulled the hood of her coat over her head to protect herself from the rain.(她把大衣的兜帽拉过头,以免淋雨。)
2. The monk wore a hooded robe as he walked through the monastery.(这个僧侣穿着一件带兜帽的长袍走过修道院。)
2. 头巾,头罩
词语辨析:headscarf, head covering
柯林斯词典:A hood is a soft or metal part that covers and protects your head, especially on a coat or a car.
牛津词典:A hood is a covering for the head that is part of a larger garment, especially a cloak or coat.
1. She put on a hood to protect her head from the cold wind.(她戴上了头罩,以保护头部免受寒风侵袭。)
2. The car's hood was dented in the accident.(车前盖在事故中被撞凹了。)
3. 引擎盖
词语辨析:bonnet, cover
柯林斯词典:The hood of a car is the metal cover over the engine at the front.
牛津词典:The hood of a car is the metal cover that opens at the front so that you can reach the engine.
1. The mechanic lifted the car's hood to check the engine.(修理工抬起汽车引擎盖检查发动机。)
2. The hood of the car was damaged in the collision.(车子的引擎盖在碰撞中受损。)
1. 有兜帽的
词语辨析:with a hood, hooded
柯林斯词典:If a coat or jacket is hooded, it has a hood.
牛津词典:If a piece of clothing is hooded, it has a hood.
1. She wore a hooded sweatshirt to keep warm.(她穿着一件带兜帽的运动衫来保暖。)
2. The hooded cloak protected him from the cold wind.(带兜帽的斗篷保护他免受寒风的侵袭。)
2. 隐藏的,秘密的
词语辨析:hidden, secret
柯林斯词典:If you describe a person or organization as being hooded, you mean that it is secret or illegal.
牛津词典:If you describe something as hooded, you mean that it is hidden or secret.
1. The police arrested the suspect wearing a hooded mask.(警方逮捕了戴着面罩的嫌疑人。)
2. The gang operated under a hooded disguise to avoid detection.(这个帮派戴着面具行动,以避免被发现。)
1. neighborhood:街坊,邻居们
2. hoodie:带兜帽的运动衫
3. Robin Hood:罗宾汉(英国民间传说中的英雄人物)
4. hoodlum:恶棍,无赖
5. childhood:童年
6. adulthood:成年
7. motherhood:母亲身份
8. fatherhood:父亲身份
1. cloak:斗篷
2. cover:遮盖物
3. headscarf:头巾
4. bonnet:引擎盖
5. hidden:隐藏的
6. secret:秘密的
1. uncover:揭开
2. reveal:揭示
3. expose:暴露
1. A hood is a part of a coat which you can pull up to cover your head.
2. A hood is a soft or metal part that covers and protects your head, especially on a coat or a car.
3. If a coat or jacket is hooded, it has a hood.
4. If you describe a person or organization as being hooded, you mean that it is secret or illegal.
1. A hood is a part of a coat that can be pulled up to cover the top and back of the head.
2. A hood is a covering for the head that is part of a larger garment, especially a cloak or coat.
3. If a piece of clothing is hooded, it has a hood.
4. If you describe something as hooded, you mean that it is hidden or secret.
1. The child pulled the hood of his jacket over his head to shield himself from the rain.
2. The car's hood was dented in the accident.
3. She wore a hooded sweatshirt to keep warm in the cold weather.
4. The gang members wore hooded disguises to conceal their identities.
1. 他戴着头巾走进了寺庙。(He entered the temple wearing a hood.)
2. 小偷戴着帽子,脸藏在阴影中。(The thief had a hood on, hiding his face in the shadows.)
3. 她穿着一件带兜帽的外套,走在寒冷的街道上。(She walked down the cold street wearing a hooded coat.)
4. 那个年轻人戴着带兜帽的运动帽,听着音乐走过了我身边。(The young man with a hooded sweatshirt walked past me listening to music.)
5. 他把兜帽拉过头,以遮挡阳光。(He pulled his hood over his head to shield himself from the sun.)
6. 我们应该在车库里找找看,也许引擎盖下面有问题。(We should check under the hood in the garage; there might be a problem.)
7. 在这种天气里,你最好戴上帽子来遮挡风。(You better put on a hood to shield the wind in this weather.)
8. 这辆车的引擎盖被撞坏了,需要修理。(The car's hood was damaged in the accident and needs repair.)
9. 她戴着一条头巾,以遮挡阳光。(She wore a headscarf to shield herself from the sun.)
10. 罗宾汉是一个传奇英雄,他总是戴着绿色的帽子。(Robin Hood is a legendary hero who always wears a green hood.)
11. 这个恶棍戴着黑色的帽子,隐藏在人群中。(The hoodlum wore a black hood and blended into the crowd.)
12. 童年是人生中最美好的时光之一。(Childhood is one of the most beautiful times in life.)
13. 成年后,我们要承担更多的责任。(In adulthood, we have to take on more responsibilities.)
14. 母亲身份是她最自豪的角色之一。(Motherhood is one of her proudest roles.)
15. 父亲身份让他更加成熟和负责任。(Fatherhood has made him more mature and responsible.)
16. 她把这个秘密藏在心底很久。(She kept this secret hidden in her heart for a long time.)
17. 这是一个秘密组织,他们从事非法活动。(This is a secret organization involved in illegal activities.)
18. 解开这个谜团会揭示真相。(Uncovering this mystery will reveal the truth.)
19. 这次调查暴露了一系列腐败行为。(The investigation exposed a series of corrupt practices.)
20. 他戴着面具,隐身在黑暗中。(He wore a hooded mask, hiding in the darkness.)