形容词: 1. 鹰的;似鹰的 2. 狠心的;强硬的 名词: 1. 鹰 2. 掠夺者;掠夺行为 3. 毛发稀疏的人 4. 游说者;兜售者词语辨析:
- hawk vs falcon 1. hawk指的是一类中小型猛禽,通常指鹰属(eagle)和鹞鹰属(buzzard)下的鸟类;而falcon指的是一类中型猛禽,通常指鹰隼属(falco)下的鸟类。 2. hawk通常指的是行动敏捷、捕食能力强大的鸟类,而falcon通常指的是速度快、飞行能力强大的鸟类。 - hawk vs dove 1. hawk指的是强硬、好战的人或政治派别;而dove指的是温和、爱好和平的人或政治派别。 2. hawk通常指的是支持军事行动或强硬政策的人,而dove通常指的是主张和平解决问题的人。词汇扩充:
- 鹰派(hawkish):形容词,指支持强硬或好战政策的 - 游说(lobby):动词,指向政府或议员施加压力以影响政策的,hawk中的名词含义之一 - 兜售(peddle):动词,指沿街叫卖或兜售商品,hawk中的名词含义之一近义词:
- falcon:猎鹰 - eagle:鹰 - predator:掠食者 - warmonger:战争贩子 - lobbyist:游说者 - peddler:兜售者反义词:
- dove:鸽子;爱好和平的人柯林斯词典定义:
名词 1. A hawk is a large bird with a short, hooked beak, strong claws, and very good eyesight. Hawks kill small birds and animals for food. 2. If you refer to someone as a hawk, you disapprove of them because they support the use of force or strong measures, especially in politics. 动词 1. If someone hawks goods that they are selling, they carry them around with them and try to sell them to people. 2. If someone hawks their services, abilities, or opinions, they offer them to other people in a determined and persistent way.牛津词典定义:
名词 1. A hawk is a type of large bird that catches small birds and animals for food. 2. A person who makes or supports aggressive political or commercial demands. 动词 1. Offer goods for sale by shouting aloud. 2. Offer something for sale or try to persuade someone to accept something.用法:
- The hawk soared high above the mountains. - The politician was known for his hawkish views on national security. - The street vendor hawked his wares in the crowded market. - The author constantly hawks his new book on social media.例句:
- A hawk hovered in the sky, searching for its next meal.(一只鹰在天空中盘旋,寻找下一顿的食物。)
- The hawk dived down and caught the mouse with its sharp talons.(鹰俯冲下来,用锋利的爪子抓住了老鼠。)
- He had the eyesight of a hawk and could spot the smallest movement from afar.(他有鹰一样的视力,能够从远处发现最微小的动静。)
- The politician was labeled a hawk for his aggressive stance on foreign policy.(这位政治家因其对外交政策的强硬立场而被贴上鹰派的标签。)
- She hawked her homemade jewelry at the local flea market.(她在当地跳蚤市场兜售自制的珠宝。)
- The company hired a team of lobbyists to hawk their interests in the capital.(该公司雇了一支游说团队在首都游说他们的利益。)
- The hawk-eyed detective noticed the smallest clue that led to the breakthrough in the case.(这位眼尖的侦探注意到了最微小的线索,导致了案件的突破。)
- She hawked her skills as a web designer to potential clients.(她向潜在客户兜售自己的网页设计技能。)
- He hawkishly advocated for military intervention in the region.(他极力主张对该地区进行军事干预。)
- The politician's hawkish approach received criticism from those seeking a peaceful resolution.(这位政治家的强硬立场受到了寻求和平解决的人士的批评。)
- The young boy spent the afternoon flying his new toy hawk in the park.(小男孩在公园里度过了下午,放飞他的新玩具鹰。)
- The hawk swooped down and snatched the fish from the water.(鹰俯冲下来,从水中抓住了鱼。)
- She had the grace and elegance of a hawk in flight.(她的飞行优雅而典雅,如同一只翱翔的鹰。)
- He was known as a financial hawk, always looking for opportunities to increase profits.(他被称为金融鹰派,总是寻找增加利润的机会。)
- The street vendor hawked his fresh produce, calling out to passersby.(街头小贩兜售他的新鲜农产品,招呼着路人。)
- The politician hawked his campaign promises, hoping to win over voters.(这位政治家兜售他的竞选承诺,希望争取选民的支持。)
- She hawked her handmade crafts at the arts and crafts fair.(她在艺术与手工艺品展销会上兜售自己手工制作的工艺品。)
- The government hired a team of lobbyists to hawk their agenda in parliament.(政府聘请了一支游说团队,在议会上推销他们的议程。)
- He hawkishly defended his position, refusing to compromise.(他坚决捍卫自己的立场,拒绝妥协。)
- The hawk-eyed security guard spotted the suspicious package and alerted the authorities.(眼尖的保安发现了可疑的包裹并通知了当局。)
- The journalist hawkishly pursued the truth, unearthing a major scandal.(这位记者积极追求真相,揭露了一起重大丑闻。)