magazine [ˌmæɡəˈziːn] 形容词: 1. 杂志的,与杂志有关的 2. 装有或用于装载弹药的弹药箱的 名词: 1. 杂志,期刊 2. 弹药库,弹药间 词语辨析: - magazine vs journal: - "magazine" 侧重指带有广告、图片和各种文章的杂志,通常面向大众。 - "journal" 侧重指学术或专业性的期刊,通常包含研究论文和学术文章。 - magazine vs newspaper: - "magazine" 指定期出版的刊物,内容包括文章、照片、广告等,通常不涉及新闻报道。 - "newspaper" 指每日或每周出版的报纸,主要报道最新的新闻事件。 词汇扩充: - magazine rack:杂志架 - magazine article:杂志文章 - fashion magazine:时尚杂志 - science magazine:科学杂志 - gun magazine:枪械弹匣 近义词: periodical, journal, publication 反义词: book, novel 柯林斯词典: 名词: 1. A magazine is a publication with a paper cover which is issued regularly, usually every week or every month, and which contains articles, stories, photographs, and advertisements. 2. A magazine is a container which is shaped like a box with a lid. It is used for storing ammunition for a gun or for holding several rounds of ammunition which can be fed automatically into a gun. 牛津词典: 名词: 1. A magazine is a periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, typically covering a particular subject or area of interest. 2. A magazine is a chamber for holding a supply of cartridges to be fed automatically to the breech of a gun. 用法: - I enjoy reading fashion magazines to keep up with the latest trends.(我喜欢阅读时尚杂志以了解最新的潮流。) - She works for a publishing company that produces a popular magazine.(她在一家出版公司工作,该公司出版一本受欢迎的杂志。) - The soldier loaded a fresh magazine into his rifle.(士兵将一个新弹匣装入步枪。)例句:
- I always buy a fashion magazine when I travel.(我旅行时总是买一本时尚杂志。)
- She writes articles for a popular magazine.(她为一本受欢迎的杂志写文章。)
- He keeps a stack of magazines on his coffee table.(他在咖啡桌上放了一堆杂志。)
- The library has a wide selection of magazines for visitors to read.(图书馆有很多杂志供读者阅读。)
- I subscribed to a monthly magazine about cooking.(我订阅了一本每月一期的烹饪杂志。)
- The magazine features interviews with famous celebrities.(这本杂志刊登了与著名名人的访谈。)
- He keeps his firearms and ammunition in a locked magazine.(他将枪支和弹药放在一个锁着的弹药库里。)
- The soldier quickly reloaded his gun with a fresh magazine.(士兵迅速用新弹匣重新装填了枪。)
- She collects vintage magazines from the 1950s.(她收集1950年代的复古杂志。)
- I enjoy reading magazine articles about travel and adventure.(我喜欢阅读关于旅行和冒险的杂志文章。)
- The bookstore has a wide range of magazines to choose from.(书店有很多种类的杂志可供选择。)
- He kept a loaded magazine next to his bed for safety.(他在床边放了一个装满子弹的弹药箱以确保安全。)
- She was excited to see her photograph featured in the magazine.(她很兴奋地看到自己的照片登在了杂志上。)
- The gun enthusiast showed off his collection of rare magazines.(这位枪械爱好者炫耀了他的稀有弹匣收藏。)
- I read an interesting magazine article about the benefits of meditation.(我读了一篇关于冥想好处的有趣杂志文章。)
- The library has a wide selection of magazines for visitors to borrow.(图书馆有很多杂志供访客借阅。)
- He subscribed to a business magazine to stay informed about market trends.(他订阅了一本商业杂志,以了解市场趋势。)
- The soldier quickly reloaded his rifle with a fresh magazine of ammunition.(士兵迅速用新的装弹匣将步枪重新装填。)
- The magazine published an article about the benefits of exercise.(这本杂志刊登了一篇关于锻炼好处的文章。)
- She enjoys flipping through fashion magazines to get inspiration for her designs.(她喜欢翻阅时尚杂志以获得她设计的灵感。)
- The soldier carried spare magazines in his backpack for quick reloads.(士兵在背包里携带备用的弹匣以便快速装填。)