形容词: 1. 漂泊的,流浪的 2. 不稳定的,无定职的,游手好闲的 名词: 1. 漂泊者,流浪者 2. 漂流物,漂流者 3. 渔船,拖网渔船词语辨析:
1. homeless drifter 流浪无家者 2. aimless drifter 无目的漂泊者 3. career drifter 职业漂泊者近义词:
vagabond, nomad, tramp, rover反义词:
settler, resident柯林斯词典:
名词: 1. A drifter is someone who moves frequently from place to place, often without any clear idea of where they want to go. 2. A drifter is someone who drifts in a boat or car. 形容词: 1. Drifter is used to describe things that move slowly or aimlessly without any particular direction or purpose.牛津词典:
名词: 1. A person who is continually moving from place to place, without any fixed home or job. 2. A person who drifts in a boat or car. 形容词: 1. Moving slowly or aimlessly. 2. A loose sleeveless garment.用法:
1. He was a drifter who never stayed in one place for long. 2. The boat was carried away by the current, becoming a drifter in the open sea. 3. The old man lived as a drifter, never settling down in any particular town. 4. The drifter lifestyle appealed to him, as he enjoyed the freedom to travel wherever he pleased.例句:
- He had the air of a drifter, moving aimlessly from town to town. 他有一种漂泊者的气质,无目地在城镇间流浪。
- The drifter found temporary shelter in an abandoned building. 这个流浪者在一座废弃建筑中找到了临时住所。
- She was attracted to the mysterious allure of the drifter. 她被流浪者的神秘魅力所吸引。
- The drifter's life was filled with uncertainty and adventure. 漂泊者的生活充满了不确定性和冒险。
- He became a drifter after losing his job and home. 在失去工作和住所后,他成了一个流浪者。
- The drifter hopped on a train, not knowing where it was headed. 流浪者跳上了一辆火车,不知道它要去哪里。
- His drifter lifestyle allowed him to experience different cultures. 他的流浪生活方式使他能够体验不同的文化。
- She saw herself as a drifter, always searching for something more. 她把自己看作是一个漂泊者,总是在寻找更多的东西。
- The drifter cast his fishing net into the sea, hoping for a catch. 漂泊者把渔网投入大海,希望能有所收获。
- The drifter's boat was carried away by the strong currents. 漂泊者的船被强大的水流冲走了。
- She found solace in the arms of a drifter she met on the road. 她在路上遇到的一个流浪者的怀抱中找到了安慰。
- The drifter's tattered clothes revealed the hardships he had faced. 那个流浪者破烂的衣服透露出他所经历的艰辛。
- They watched the drifter disappear into the sunset, never to be seen again. 他们目送着那个流浪者消失在日落中,再也没有见到。
- She was captivated by the drifter's stories of adventure and travel. 她被那个流浪者讲述的冒险和旅行故事所吸引。
- The drifter's presence in the small town caused quite a stir. 流浪者在小镇上的出现引起了相当大的轰动。
- He lived a drifter's life, always on the move and never settling down. 他过着流浪者的生活,总是在不停地移动,从不安定下来。
- The drifter wandered through the city streets, taking in the sights and sounds. 那个流浪者在城市的街道上漫步,欣赏着风景和声音。
- She felt a connection with the drifter, as they both shared a love for adventure. 她与那个流浪者感到了一种联系,因为他们都热爱冒险。
- After years of being a drifter, he finally found a place to call home. 多年来一直是流浪者的他,终于找到了一个可以称之为家的地方。
- The drifter's lonely existence was reflected in his weary eyes. 流浪者寂寞的生活在他疲惫的眼神中得到了体现。
- They offered the drifter a hot meal and a warm bed for the night. 他们给了流浪者一顿热饭和一个温暖的床位,供他过夜。