聚类 (jù lèi) 和集群 (jí qún) 在中文中常用来表达相同的概念,表示将相似的事物或数据分组在一起。在英文中,"clustering" 一词更常用来表示聚类的概念,而 "clustering" 的动词形式 "cluster" 则表示将事物或数据分组。词汇扩充
clustering: the process of forming groups or clusters in a way that objects within the same cluster are more similar to each other than to those in other clusters.牛津词典
clustering: the action of clustering or the state of being clustered.用法
"clustering" 这个词在计算机科学、数据分析和机器学习等领域常常使用。例句
- The algorithm uses clustering techniques to group similar data points. (该算法使用聚类技术将相似的数据点进行分组。)
- We observed a clustering effect in the data, indicating the presence of distinct groups. (我们观察到数据中存在聚类效应,表明存在不同的群体。)
- Cluster analysis helps to identify patterns and relationships in the dataset. (聚类分析有助于识别数据集中的模式和关系。)
- The clustering algorithm successfully grouped the data into five distinct clusters. (聚类算法成功将数据分为五个不同的聚类。)
- Researchers are studying the clustering behavior of certain species in the wild. (研究人员正在研究某些物种在野外的聚群行为。)
- By analyzing the clustering of galaxies, scientists can gain insights into the structure of the universe. (通过分析星系的聚类情况,科学家可以对宇宙的结构有所了解。)
- The clustering of houses in the neighborhood creates a sense of community. (邻里中房屋的聚集形成了一种社区感。)
- The clustering of stores in the shopping mall makes it convenient for shoppers to find what they need. (商场中店铺的聚集使顾客更方便地找到所需的物品。)
- The clustering algorithm is sensitive to the choice of parameters. (聚类算法对参数的选择较为敏感。)
- She conducted a clustering analysis on the dataset to identify hidden patterns. (她对数据集进行了聚类分析,以识别隐藏的模式。)
- The clustering of stars in constellations has fascinated astronomers for centuries. (星座中恒星的聚集现象已经吸引了几个世纪的天文学家。)
- Clustering similar documents together can improve the efficiency of text retrieval. (将相似的文档聚类在一起可以提高文本检索的效率。)
- After clustering the data points, we can visualize the clusters using a scatter plot. (在对数据点进行聚类后,我们可以使用散点图来可视化聚类。)
- Clustering can be a useful tool for market segmentation in marketing research. (在市场研究中,聚类可以是市场细分的有用工具。)
- The clustering algorithm aims to minimize the distance between data points within the same cluster. (聚类算法旨在最小化同一聚类中数据点之间的距离。)
- By clustering similar images, the photo organization app makes it easier to find specific photos. (通过对相似图像进行聚类,照片整理应用程序使查找特定照片变得更容易。)
- Clustering can help identify outliers in a dataset. (聚类可以帮助识别数据集中的异常值。)
- Researchers are exploring new clustering algorithms to improve the accuracy of pattern recognition. (研究人员正在探索新的聚类算法,以提高模式识别的准确性。)
- The clustering technique is widely used in data mining and exploratory data analysis. (聚类技术在数据挖掘和探索性数据分析中被广泛使用。)
- After clustering the data, we can analyze the characteristics of each cluster separately. (在对数据进行聚类后,我们可以单独分析每个聚类的特征。)