1. 原始的;原始时期的 - primal forests 原始森林 - primal instincts 原始本能 2. 最初的;首要的 - primal cause 最初的原因 - primal importance 首要的重要性 3. 原始的;基本的 - primal sound 基本音 - primal needs 基本需求名词
1. 原初的状态;原始状态 - return to the primal 回归原始状态 2. 基本原理;主要原因 - the primals of human nature 人性的基本原理 - the primal of success 成功的主要原因词语辨析
- primal与primitive的区别: - primal强调“最初的”、“原始的”概念,侧重于时间或地位上的最初。 - primitive强调“原始的”、“简陋的”概念,侧重于事物本身的原始程度或简单程度。词汇扩充
- primally:adverb 原始地 - primality:noun 原始性近义词
- primeval - primitive - fundamental - basic - elemental反义词
- developed - sophisticated - advanced - civilized柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)解释
形容词 1. You use primal to describe something that relates to the origins or most important aspects of something. 2. You use primal to describe something that is very basic. 名词 1. The primal is a state that is the first stage of something or that has never changed because it is so basic.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)解释
形容词 1. Relating to an early stage in evolutionary development; primeval. 2. Essential; fundamental. 名词 1. A fundamental truth or law as the basis of reasoning or action.用法
- Primal可以用作形容词或名词。 - 在形容词的用法中,primal常用来形容与起源或最重要方面有关的事物,或形容非常基本的事物。 - 在名词的用法中,primal表示某种状态是某事物的第一阶段,或因为非常基本而从未改变。相关的例句
- He tapped into the primal well of anger within him. 他激起了他内心深处原始的愤怒。
- The primal instinct for survival kicked in. 存活的原始本能开始发作。
- These paintings reflect a return to the primal. 这些画作反映了对原始状态的回归。
- She felt a primal fear deep within her. 她深感一种原始的恐惧。
- The primal importance of education cannot be overstated. 教育的首要重要性无法言过其实。
- He is seeking the primal cause of the problem. 他正在寻找问题的根源。
- Music has the power to tap into our primals. 音乐有能力触动我们内心的原始情感。
- She explored the primals of human nature in her book. 她在书中探索了人性的基本原理。
- His primal needs were food and shelter. 他最基本的需求是食物和住所。
- The primal sound of the drums echoed through the forest. 鼓声的原始音在森林中回荡。
- The primal forests are home to many endangered species. 原始森林是许多濒危物种的家园。
- He experienced a primal sense of freedom in the open fields. 他在开阔的田野中体验到一种原始的自由感。
- The primal beauty of the landscape took her breath away. 风景的原始美让她惊叹。
- The artist aims to capture the primal essence of his subjects. 艺术家的目标是捕捉他的主题的原始本质。
- Her primal instinct was to protect her children. 她的原始本能是保护她的孩子。
- They returned to the primal and lived off the land. 他们回归原始生活,靠土地为生。
- She believes that the primals of success lie in hard work and determination. 她认为成功的主要原因在于努力和决心。
- In his writing, he explores the primals of human existence. 在他的写作中,他探索了人类存在的基本原理。
- The primal fear of the unknown gripped her. 未知带来的原始恐惧使她感到紧张。
- He tapped into the primals of the human psyche. 他触及了人类心灵的基本本质。
- They tried to strip away the complexities and return to the primal. 他们试图剥离复杂性,回归原始状态。