live /laɪv/
- 活着的,生活的
- 直播的,现场转播的
- 实况的,现场的
- 活泼的,有生气的
life /laɪf/
- 生活,生命
- 生命力,活力
- 人的一生,寿命
- 生存,存在
- 生物,生命体
live /laɪv/ 和 life /laɪf/ 是一对形容词和名词,表示与生活、生命相关的概念。其中,live 是形容词,表示活着的、生活的,也可指直播的、实况的等含义;life 是名词,表示生活、生命,也可指生命力、人的一生等。
- lifestyle /ˈlaɪf.staɪl/ - 生活方式
- livelihood /ˈlaɪv.li.hʊd/ - 生计
- living /ˈlɪv.ɪŋ/ - 生计,生活
- lively /ˈlaɪv.li/ - 活泼的,有生气的
- lifeless /ˈlaɪf.ləs/ - 无生气的,死气沉沉的
live /laɪv/ 的近义词有:exist,survive,be alive,be living
life /laɪf/ 的近义词有:existence,being,living
live /laɪv/ 的反义词有:dead,lifeless
life /laɪf/ 的反义词有:death,end
live /laɪv/ 形容词
If someone is live, they are still alive.
例句:I saw her lying there and thought she was dead, but she was still live.
live /laɪv/ 形容词
A live event or performance is one that is broadcast or shown at the same time as it happens, rather than being recorded to be shown later.
例句:The band recorded their album in front of a live audience.
live /laɪv/ 形容词
Someone or something that is live is full of energy and excitement.
例句:The crowd at the concert was really live.
live /laɪv/ 动词
If you live in a particular place or with a particular person, that place is your home, or you share that person's home.
例句:He lives in a small flat in London.
life /laɪf/ 名词
Life is the quality which people, animals, and plants have when they are not dead, and which objects and substances do not have.
例句:He saved my son's life.
life /laɪf/ 名词
Your life is the period of time during which you are alive.
例句:She has lived here all her life.
life /laɪf/ 名词
Life is the experience of being alive, including things such as breathing, moving, and thinking.
例句:She's never had an easy life.
live /laɪv/ 形容词
Not dead or inanimate; living.
例句:the happiest day of my life
live /laɪv/ 形容词
(of a performance) shown or broadcast to people watching or listening as it is happening, rather than being recorded to be shown or broadcast later.
例句:a live television broadcast
live /laɪv/ 形容词
Full of life or energy.
例句:a live wire
live /laɪv/ 动词
Make one's home in a particular place or with a particular person.
例句:I've always lived in the countryside.
life /laɪf/ 名词
The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
例句:the origins of life
life /laɪf/ 名词
The existence of an individual human being or animal.
例句:she saved my life
life /laɪf/ 名词
The period between the birth and death of a living thing, especially a human being.
例句:she has lived all her life in the country
1. live 和 life 是常用词汇,用于描述与生活、生命有关的概念。
2. live 是形容词,表示活着的、生活的,也可指直播的、实况的等含义;life 是名词,表示生活、生命,也可指生命力、人的一生等。
3. live 和 life 常用于描述人、动物、植物的生命状态,以及与生活相关的事物。
4. live 还可以作动词,表示居住在某个地方或与某人同居。
1. He is still live after the accident. (他在事故后仍然活着。)
2. The concert was broadcast live on television. (音乐会在电视上进行了现场转播。)
3. The party was really live with all the dancing and singing. (派对非常热闹,有很多舞蹈和歌唱。)
4. She lives in a small apartment in the city. (她住在城市的一间小公寓里。)
5. He saved my life when I was drowning. (当我溺水时,他救了我的命。)
6. She has lived in this town her whole life. (她一生都住在这个城镇上。)
7. The origins of life on Earth are still a mystery. (地球上生命的起源仍然是一个谜。)
8. Her life was full of joy and adventure. (她的生活充满了快乐和冒险。)
9. The documentary explores the life of African wildlife. (这部纪录片探索了非洲野生动物的生活。)
10. He is living a peaceful life in the countryside. (他在乡村过着平静的生活。)
11. The live performance of the play was amazing. (这部戏的现场表演非常精彩。)
12. She has a lively personality and is always full of energy. (她性格活泼,总是充满活力。)
13. The live wire caused an electric shock. (电线露出导致了电击事故。)
14. The zoo is home to a variety of live animals. (动物园里有各种各样的活动物。)
15. He lives with his grandparents since his parents passed away. (自从父母去世后,他与祖父母一起生活。)
16. We need to find a way to make a living. (我们需要找到谋生的方法。)
17. She is determined to live life to the fullest. (她决心过充实的生活。)
18. The live broadcast of the sports event attracted millions of viewers. (体育赛事的现场直播吸引了数百万观众。)
19. The patient is fighting for his life in the intensive care unit. (病人正在重症监护室里与死神搏斗。)
20. The book explores the different aspects of human life. (这本书探讨了人类生活的不同方面。)