nipples (noun): 1. The small projection in the center of the areola of the breast, which is the source of milk in females; 2. The rubber or plastic mouthpiece of a baby's bottle or pacifier, which is used for feeding or soothing.
nipples (adjective): Pertaining to or resembling a nipple.
- teat
- areola
- breast
- pacifier
nipples (noun): A woman's nipples are the two small pieces of slightly hard flesh on her chest, which can become bigger and harder when she is sexually excited.
nipples (adjective): Nipple means relating to the nipples on a woman's breasts.
nipples (noun): The nipples on a woman's breasts are the two small pieces of slightly hard flesh on the front of her body, which can become bigger and harder when she is sexually excited.
nipples (noun): A nipple is a small round piece of rubber or plastic that is fitted to the top of a baby's bottle or a pacifier so that the baby can suck milk from it.
nipples (noun): A small projection of flesh on the breast or udder that in a female mammal contains the outlets of the milk ducts.
nipples (noun): A small rubber or plastic teat used to give a baby milk from a bottle.
The word "nipples" can be used as both a noun and an adjective.
- She felt her nipples harden as he gently touched her breast. (她感觉到他轻轻触摸她的胸部时,乳头变硬了。)
- The baby eagerly suckled on the nipple of the bottle. (宝宝渴望地吮吸着奶瓶的奶嘴。)
- The nipple on the pacifier is designed to resemble a mother's nipple. (奶嘴上的奶嘴设计成像母亲的乳头。)
- She covered her nipples with her hands to protect her modesty. (她用手遮住乳头,以保护她的端庄。)
- He gently pinched her nipple, causing her to gasp with pleasure. (他轻轻地掐了她的乳头,让她因快感而喘息。)
- The mother warmed the nipple of the baby bottle before feeding her newborn. (妈妈在给新生儿喂奶之前,先把奶瓶的奶嘴加热了一下。)
- She noticed that her nipples were sore and tender during pregnancy. (她注意到怀孕期间乳头又疼又敏感。)
- The baby eagerly latched onto his mother's nipple to feed. (宝宝渴望地吸住他妈妈的乳头来吃奶。)
- The bra she was wearing had padded cups to conceal her erect nipples. (她穿的胸罩有内衬杯,以掩盖她竖起的乳头。)
- She applied cream to her dry and cracked nipples to soothe the discomfort. (她涂抹乳头干裂的霜,以缓解不适。)
- The baby refused to take the bottle without the familiar silicone nipple. (宝宝不愿意不带熟悉的硅胶奶嘴的奶瓶。)
- Her nipples became more sensitive during menstruation. (她的乳头在月经期间变得更敏感。)
- The baby greedily suckled on his mother's nipple, eagerly drinking the milk. (宝宝贪婪地吮吸着妈妈的乳头,渴望地喝奶。)
- She felt a pleasant tingling sensation in her nipples when he kissed her neck. (当他吻她的脖子时,她的乳头感到一种愉快的刺痛感。)
- The baby's lips puckered around the nipple as he began to suck. (宝宝的嘴唇紧贴着奶嘴,开始吸吮。)
- She wore a tight-fitting top that accentuated her erect nipples. (她穿着一件紧身上衣,凸显出她竖立的乳头。)
- The baby eagerly grabbed the nipple of the pacifier and started to suck. (宝宝渴望地抓住奶嘴的奶嘴,并开始吸吮。)
- She applied nipple cream to soothe the cracked and painful nipples caused by breastfeeding. (她涂抹乳头霜,以舒缓因哺乳而导致的干裂和疼痛的乳头。)
- She felt a sharp pain in her nipples when the baby bit down during breastfeeding. (当宝宝在哺乳时咬下去时,她的乳头感到剧痛。)
- She covered herself with a towel, making sure her nipples were not exposed. (她用毛巾把自己盖住,确保乳头不暴露出来。)