slime [形容词]1. 黏糊糊的;粘稠的。
2. 阴险的;卑鄙的。
slime [名词]1. 黏糊糊的物质;粘液;黏液。
2. 卑鄙无耻的人;阴险狡诈的人。
slime 和mucus 均有“粘液”之意,但slime 更偏重于指黏稠的或粘糊糊的物质,而mucus 则一般用于生物体内分泌的黏液。slime 和ooze 都有“渗出,渗流”的意思,但slime 强调黏稠性和粘液状,而ooze 则更强调流动性和慢慢渗出。
slimy [形容词]:滑溜溜的;泥泞的。例:The path was slimy after the rain.(下雨后,小路很泥泞。)sliminess [名词]:黏滑;滑溜溜的质地。例:The sliminess of the seaweed made it difficult to walk on.(海草的黏滑质地使得行走很困难。)
1. goo2. muck
3. ooze
4. mud
5. gunk
1. cleanliness2. purity
slime [名词]1. 黏液;粘液。
2. 卑鄙无耻的人;阴险狡诈的人。
slime [动词]
1. 涂上粘液。
2. 使滑溜溜的。
slime [名词]1. 黏糊糊的物质;黏液。
2. 卑鄙无耻的人;讨厌鬼。
slime [动词]
1. 使滑溜溜的。
2. 涂粘液于。
slime 作为名词时,常用于描述黏糊糊的物质或形容卑鄙无耻的人。作为形容词时,用于形容黏稠的物质或指某人的阴险行为。相关例句
- He slipped and fell into the slime on the path.(他滑倒掉进了小路上的泥泞。)
- The snail left a trail of slime as it moved across the ground.(蜗牛在地上爬行时留下一条黏液痕迹。)
- She felt disgusted by the sliminess of the substance.(她对这种物质的黏滑感感到恶心。)
- Don't trust him, he's a real slime.(不要相信他,他是个真正的卑鄙无耻之人。)
- The politician used slime tactics to discredit his opponent.(这位政治家使用卑鄙手段来诋毁他的对手。)
- The sewer pipe was coated with a thick layer of slimy residue.(下水道管道上覆盖着一层厚厚的黏糊糊的残留物。)
- After the flood, the streets were covered in a layer of mud and slime.(洪水过后,街道上覆盖着一层泥泞和黏液。)
- The slime on the surface of the pond indicated poor water quality.(池塘表面的黏液表明水质较差。)
- The child was fascinated by the slimy texture of the frog.(孩子对青蛙的黏滑质地感到着迷。)
- She couldn't shake off the feeling of slime after encountering that deceitful person.(遇到那个虚伪的人之后,她无法摆脱阴险的感觉。)
- The sliminess of the character made him an intriguing villain in the movie.(这个角色的阴险性格使他成为电影中一个引人入胜的反派。)
- The chef added a touch of slime to the sauce to give it a smooth texture.(厨师在酱汁中加了一点粘液,使其获得光滑的质地。)
- The slimy feel of the seaweed made it difficult to handle.(海藻的黏滑质感使得处理起来很困难。)
- She accidentally stepped on a slug and got slime all over her shoe.(她不小心踩到了一只蛞蝓上,鞋子上沾满了黏液。)
- He wiped the slime off his hands with a tissue.(他用纸巾擦掉手上的黏液。)
- The monster in the horror movie had green slime oozing from its mouth.(恐怖电影中的怪物嘴里流出绿色的黏液。)
- The scientist studied the properties of the slime produced by certain bacteria.(科学家研究了某些细菌产生的粘液的特性。)
- My little brother loves playing with slime, especially the ones that glow in the dark.(我小弟弟喜欢玩黏液,尤其是那些在黑暗中发光的。)
- The detective followed the slime trail left by the suspect to track his movements.(侦探沿着嫌疑人留下的黏液痕迹追踪他的行踪。)
- She couldn't help but shudder at the sliminess of the eel as it slid across her hand.(她不禁因鳗鱼滑过手上的黏滑感而打了一个寒颤。)
- The car got stuck in the mud and slime on the unpaved road.(汽车陷入了未铺设的道路上的泥泞和黏液中。)