imposter (impostor 英式英语拼写):牛津词典定义:
impostor (imposter 美式英语拼写):用法:
例句:- He was exposed as an imposter and arrested by the police. (他被揭穿是个冒名顶替者,被警方逮捕。)
- The imposter tried to impersonate the CEO and access confidential information. (冒名顶替者试图冒充CEO,获取机密信息。)
- She suffered from imposter syndrome and constantly doubted her own abilities. (她患有冒名顶替综合症,经常对自己的能力产生怀疑。)
- The impostor claimed to be a long-lost relative of the wealthy family. (冒名顶替者声称自己是富裕家族的失散亲戚。)
- He was revealed to be an impostor when his true identity was discovered. (当他的真实身份被发现时,他被揭示为一个冒名顶替者。)
- The impostor doctor was arrested for practicing medicine without a license. (冒名顶替的医生因没有执照而被逮捕。)
- She struggled with imposter phenomenon after receiving the prestigious award. (在获得重要奖项后,她一直在与冒名顶替现象作斗争。)
- The imposter pretended to be a police officer to gain the victim's trust. (冒名顶替者假装是一名警察,以获取受害者的信任。)
- The pretender tried to pass off his counterfeit artwork as genuine. (假冒者试图把他的假冒艺术品冒充真品。)
- She realized that the person she had been dating was a fake and had been lying about his background. (她意识到她一直在约会的那个人是个骗子,一直在撒谎关于他的背景。)
- The charlatan claimed to have a cure for all diseases, but it was just a scam. (江湖骗子声称有治愈所有疾病的方法,但那只是一个骗局。)
- The deceiver tricked people into investing in a fraudulent scheme. (骗子欺骗人们投资一个诈骗计划。)
- She felt like an imposter among the accomplished scientists at the conference. (她觉得自己在会议上的那些优秀科学家中就像个冒充者。)
- He was able to successfully expose the impostor and save the company from a major scandal. (他成功揭露了冒名顶替者,使公司免于一场重大丑闻。)
- She had a nagging feeling of being an impostor, despite her impressive qualifications. (尽管她有令人印象深刻的资历,但她有一种困扰的感觉,觉得自己是个冒名顶替者。)
- The imposter managed to deceive the security guards and gain access to the restricted area. (冒名顶替者设法欺骗了保安人员,进入了受限区域。)
- He was convicted of fraud after being exposed as an impostor by an investigative journalist. (在被一名调查记者揭穿为冒名顶替者后,他因诈骗罪被判有罪。)
- She struggled with feelings of inadequacy and imposter syndrome throughout her career. (她在整个职业生涯中一直与自卑感和冒名顶替综合症斗争。)
- The impostor was eventually caught and brought to justice for his fraudulent activities. (冒名顶替者最终被抓住并因其欺诈活动而受到制裁。)
- He confessed to his imposter syndrome and sought therapy to overcome his insecurities. (他承认了自己的冒名顶替综合症,并寻求治疗以克服自己的不安全感。)