supervise [动词] 监督,管理
supervisor [名词] 监督者,主管
supervisory [形容词] 监督的,管理的
oversee, manage, control, direct, administer
neglect, ignore, abandon
supervise [动词]
1. If someone supervises an activity or a person, they make sure that the activity is done correctly or that the person is doing a job correctly. (如果某人监督一项活动或一个人,他们会确保活动正确进行或该人正确地完成工作。)
2. If someone in authority supervises a group of people, they make sure that the people in the group do their job properly. (如果某个权威人士监督一群人,他们会确保该群人正确地完成工作。)
3. If someone supervises the work of a person or a group of people, they are in charge of them and make sure that the work is done satisfactorily. (如果某人监督一个人或一群人的工作,他们负责他们,并确保工作令人满意。)
supervise [动词]
1. Observe and direct the execution of (a task, project, or activity). (观察和指导(任务、项目或活动)的执行。)
2. Keep watch over (someone) in the interest of their or others' security. (为了他们或他人的安全而监视某人。)
3. Be responsible for the day-to-day running of (a business, organization, or institution). (负责日常运营(企业、组织或机构)。)
1. He supervises a team of engineers. (他监督一支工程师团队。)
2. The teacher supervises the students during the exam. (老师在考试期间监督学生。)
3. The manager supervises the production process. (经理监督生产过程。)
4. The police officer supervises the traffic at the intersection. (警察在交叉路口监管交通。)
- The project manager will supervise the construction process. (项目经理将监督施工过程。)
- We need someone to supervise the children at the playground. (我们需要有人在游乐场监督孩子们。)
- She was hired to supervise the quality control department. (她被聘请来监督质量控制部门。)
- The supervisor closely supervises the work of his subordinates. (主管密切监督下属的工作。)
- Please supervise the students during the field trip. (请在实地考察期间监督学生。)
- Parents should supervise their children's online activities. (父母应该监督孩子的网络活动。)
- The teacher will supervise the students while they conduct the experiment. (老师将在学生进行实验时进行监督。)
- The supervisor is responsible for ensuring compliance with safety regulations. (主管负责确保符合安全规定。)
- He was assigned to supervise the construction of the new building. (他被指派监督新建筑的施工。)
- The department head will supervise the interns during their training period. (部门负责人将在实习期间监督实习生。)
- We need someone to supervise the assembly line to ensure efficiency. (我们需要有人监督生产线以确保效率。)
- The coach will supervise the players' practice sessions. (教练将监督球员的训练课程。)
- The supervisor is responsible for overseeing the quality control process. (主管负责监督质量控制流程。)
- She was hired to supervise the construction of the new office building. (她被聘请来监督新办公楼的建设。)
- Make sure to supervise the children while they are playing in the park. (确保在孩子们在公园玩耍时进行监督。)
- The police officer supervises the security cameras in the city center. (警察在市中心监控安全摄像头。)
- The supervisor checks the inventory to ensure accuracy. (主管检查库存以确保准确性。)
- They hired a consultant to supervise the implementation of the new system. (他们聘请了一位顾问来监督新系统的实施。)
- The teacher supervises the students' progress throughout the semester. (老师在整个学期监督学生的进展。)
- He was promoted to a position where he would supervise a team of engineers. (他被提升到一个监督一支工程师团队的职位。)