lectures [ˈlɛktʃərz]
- 讲座的
- 教学的
- 讲座,演讲
- 教学,讲授
- 指导,训诫
lecture: 一般指有组织、有计划的正式讲座,通常由专家、教授或学者主讲,听众是学生或一般公众。
talk: 指非正式的讲话,内容可以是娱乐性或教育性的。
speech: 指有准备的正式演讲,通常在重要场合或庆典上发表。
seminar: 指小组讨论或研讨会,参与者通常是专家、学者或研究人员。
lecture hall: 讲堂
lecture series: 讲座系列
lecture notes: 讲座笔记
lecture theatre: 大讲堂
guest lecture: 客座讲座
public lecture: 公开讲座
video lecture: 视频讲座
invited lecture: 邀请讲座
online lecture: 在线讲座
- speech
- address
- talk
- seminar
- workshop
listener: 听众
student: 学生
participant: 参与者
lectures (名词): A lecture is a talk someone gives in order to teach people about a particular subject, usually at a university or college.
lectures (动词): If you lecture someone, you criticize them or tell them how you think they should behave.
lectures (名词): An educational talk to an audience, especially to students in a university or college. A talk on a serious or specialist subject given to a group of people, typically as part of a course of study.
lectures (动词): Deliver an educational lecture or lectures.
lectures 这个词既可以用作名词,也可以用作动词。
1. I attended several lectures on history.
2. The professor gave a lecture on quantum physics.
1. The teacher lectured the students on the importance of time management.
2. He constantly lectures his children about the dangers of smoking.
- I attended several lectures on history. (我参加了几次历史讲座。)
- The professor gave a lecture on quantum physics. (教授给了一场量子物理学的讲座。)
- The lecture was informative and engaging. (这次讲座内容丰富,引人入胜。)
- She delivered a lecture on climate change. (她进行了一场关于气候变化的讲座。)
- The lecturer used multimedia presentations during the lecture. (讲师在讲座期间使用了多媒体演示。)
- His lecture on Shakespeare was well-received by the audience. (他关于莎士比亚的讲座受到观众的好评。)
- They organized a series of lectures on art history. (他们组织了一系列有关艺术史的讲座。)
- The university offers a wide range of lectures on various subjects. (该大学提供各种学科的广泛讲座。)
- The guest lecturer spoke about her research findings. (客座讲师讲述了她的研究成果。)
- We had a lively discussion after the lecture. (讲座结束后,我们进行了热烈的讨论。)
- He lectured the students on the importance of time management. (他向学生们讲述了时间管理的重要性。)
- She often lectures her colleagues about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. (她经常向同事们宣讲健康生活方式的好处。)
- The speaker gave an inspiring lecture on leadership. (演讲者就领导力发表了一场激励人心的演讲。)
- His lectures are always well-prepared and informative. (他的讲座总是准备充分、内容丰富。)
- The professor encouraged the students to ask questions during the lecture. (教授鼓励学生在讲座期间提问。)
- I took detailed lecture notes to review before the exam. (我做了详细的讲座笔记,以便在考试前复习。)
- The online lecture can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. (可以通过互联网连接的任何地方访问在线讲座。)
- He was invited to give a lecture at the prestigious conference. (他受邀在重要的会议上发表讲座。)
- The public lecture attracted a large audience. (公开讲座吸引了很多观众。)
- She watched a video lecture on economics to supplement her studies. (她观看了一场关于经济学的视频讲座来补充学习。)
- They attended a seminar on environmental sustainability. (他们参加了一场关于环境可持续性的研讨会。)