1. 明显的;公开的明确的;不掩饰的;公然的
2. 外在的;表面的外部的;外观上的;表面上的
1. 公开行动;公开的事实公然行动或事实
overt action(公开行动)
overt hostility(公开敌意)
overt threat(公开威胁)
overt discrimination(公开歧视)
overt act of kindness(公开的善举)
open, apparent, visible
covert, hidden, concealed
【形容词】If you say that someone's attitudes or feelings are overt, you mean they show them in an open way. (Collins English Dictionary)
【形容词】Done or shown publicly or in an overt manner. (Oxford English Dictionary)
overt作为形容词,通常修饰名词或名词短语。常见的搭配有:overt action(公开行动)、overt hostility(公开敌意)、overt threat(公开威胁)等。
- His overt support for the project helped it gain public approval.(他公开支持该项目,帮助其获得公众的认可。)
- The couple's overt affection for each other was evident to everyone.(这对夫妇彼此之间的公开情感对每个人来说都很明显。)
- The government's overt discrimination against certain ethnic groups was widely condemned.(政府对某些种族群体的公开歧视受到了广泛谴责。)
- Her overt enthusiasm for the topic made the lecture more engaging.(她对这个话题的公开热情使讲座更加吸引人。)
- The company's overt attempt to monopolize the market was met with legal action.(公司公开试图垄断市场的行为遭到了法律的制裁。)
- The overt threat of violence forced the protesters to disperse.(暴力的公开威胁迫使抗议者散去。)
- She always wore her overt wealth with pride.(她总是自豪地展示她明显的财富。)
- The team's overt aggression on the field led to several penalties.(球队在场上的公开侵略行为导致了几次罚款。)
- His overt disapproval of her career choice strained their relationship.(他公开对她的职业选择不满,使他们的关系紧张。)
- The company's overt disregard for safety regulations resulted in a series of accidents.(公司对安全规定的公开漠视导致了一系列事故。)
- The overt display of wealth and luxury was seen as a symbol of success.(财富和奢华的公开展示被视为成功的象征。)
- She made an overt attempt to get his attention by flirting with him.(她通过和他调情的公开尝试来引起他的注意。)
- The police were monitoring the group's overt activities.(警方正在监视该组织的公开活动。)
- Her overt ambition to become a CEO was evident from a young age.(她从小就表现出了成为首席执行官的公开野心。)
- The company's overt support for local charities boosted its reputation.(公司对当地慈善机构的公开支持提升了其声誉。)
- His overt disregard for the rules led to his disqualification from the competition.(他公然对规则的漠视导致他被取消比赛资格。)
- The government's overt censorship of the media drew international criticism.(政府对媒体的公开审查引来了国际批评。)
- Their overt protest against the new policy gained widespread attention.(他们对新政策的公开抗议引起了广泛关注。)
- The overt racism expressed by some individuals shocked the community.(一些人公开表达的种族主义震惊了社区。)
- Her overt disappointment was evident in her facial expression.(她的失望之情在她的面部表情中显而易见。)
- The overt conflict between the two nations escalated into a full-scale war.(两国之间的公开冲突升级为全面战争。)