1. 支持者的;拥护者的
- The newspaper has a partisan bias and often favors one political party. (这家报纸具有明显的偏见,经常偏袒某个政党。)
- The judge was accused of being partisan and not impartial in his rulings. (这位法官被指控在判决中带有偏见,不公正。)
2. 偏袒的;偏心的
- The teacher was criticized for her partisan treatment of certain students. (那位老师因对某些学生的偏袒而受到批评。)
- The media coverage was considered to be partisan and lacked objectivity. (这次媒体报道被认为是带有偏见的,缺乏客观性。)
1. 党派成员;支持者
- The partisans campaigned tirelessly for their candidate. (这些支持者为他们的候选人不知疲倦地助选。)
- The partisans celebrated their party's victory with enthusiasm. (这些党派成员热情洋溢地庆祝他们党派的胜利。)
2. 游击队员
- The partisans fought bravely against the occupying forces. (这些游击队员勇敢地与占领军作战。)
- The resistance movement relied on partisans to carry out covert operations. (抵抗运动依靠游击队员进行秘密行动。)
partisan, biased, partial
1. partisan:指对某个政党、组织或个人有明显偏袒,常含贬义。
2. biased:指个人或事物对某一方面持有偏见或偏爱。
3. partial:指在评价、处理等方面有偏袒或偏心的倾向。
1. partisanship:名词,指支持某个政党、组织或个人的行为或态度。
2. partisanly:副词,指以偏袒或偏心的方式。
supporter, follower, advocate
impartial, unbiased, neutral
partisan (noun)
1. If you describe someone as a partisan, you mean that they are very loyal to a political party or leader, and support them strongly.
2. Partisans are people who take part in fighting against an enemy, using irregular or guerrilla methods.
partisan (adjective)
1. Partisan activities or organizations involve people who are very committed to a particular political party or leader.
2. Partisan activities involve fighting against an enemy, using irregular or guerrilla methods.
partisan (noun)
1. A partisan is a member of an armed group formed to fight secretly against an occupying force, especially one that has taken control of their country.
2. A partisan is a strong supporter of a group, person, or cause.
partisan (adjective)
1. Partisan activities or organizations are carried out by members of a particular party.
2. Partisan beliefs, activities, or situations are influenced by a particular set of feelings or ideas.
1. 作为形容词使用时,partisan常用来描述与特定政党、组织或个人有关的人、行为或态度。
2. 作为名词使用时,partisan指党派成员、支持者或游击队员。
- The newspaper has a partisan bias and often favors one political party. (这家报纸具有明显的偏见,经常偏袒某个政党。)
- The judge was accused of being partisan and not impartial in his rulings. (这位法官被指控在判决中带有偏见,不公正。)
- The teacher was criticized for her partisan treatment of certain students. (那位老师因对某些学生的偏袒而受到批评。)
- The media coverage was considered to be partisan and lacked objectivity. (这次媒体报道被认为是带有偏见的,缺乏客观性。)
- The partisans campaigned tirelessly for their candidate. (这些支持者为他们的候选人不知疲倦地助选。)
- The partisans celebrated their party's victory with enthusiasm. (这些党派成员热情洋溢地庆祝他们党派的胜利。)
- The partisans fought bravely against the occupying forces. (这些游击队员勇敢地与占领军作战。)
- The resistance movement relied on partisans to carry out covert operations. (抵抗运动依靠游击队员进行秘密行动。)