1. 不安
2. 动荡
unrest, turbulence, upheaval, agitation
unrest: 指一种不安定的状态,可能包括个人或群体的不满和不安。
turbulence: 指更加剧烈和混乱的不安定状态,常用于描述社会或政治的动荡和动乱。
upheaval: 指大规模的动荡或剧变,常用于指政权更迭、社会变革或突发事件引起的混乱。
agitation: 指激动或焦虑的情绪状态,常用于描述群众的不安和动荡。
political unrest 政治动荡
social unrest 社会动乱
public unrest 公众不安
labor unrest 劳工不安定
unrest among the youth 青年人的不安
disorder, turmoil, chaos
stability, calm, peace
1. 不安的
2. 动荡的
unrestful 不安的,不平静的
unrested 未安抚的,不安定的
Unrest is a situation in which people are angry or upset and likely to protest or fight.
A state of dissatisfaction, disturbance, and agitation, typically involving public demonstrations or disorder.
1. Political unrest can lead to significant changes in a country's leadership.
2. The ongoing labor unrest is causing disruptions in the production industry.
3. Students took to the streets in protest against the government, expressing their discontent and adding to the growing social unrest.
4. The region has been experiencing a period of prolonged civil unrest.
5. The government's failure to address the concerns of the citizens has fueled the unrest among the population.
- The country is currently facing political unrest due to widespread corruption. 这个国家目前因为普遍的腐败而面临着政治动荡。
- The government has imposed a curfew to control the unrest in the city. 政府实施了宵禁以控制城市的动乱。
- The unrest among the workers has led to a series of strikes. 工人们的不安已经引发了一系列罢工。
- The country is experiencing social unrest as a result of economic inequality. 由于经济不平等,这个国家正在经历社会动荡。
- There is growing unrest among the population due to the lack of basic amenities. 由于缺乏基本设施,人民中的不安情绪正在增长。
- The region has been plagued by unrest and violence for years. 这个地区多年来一直饱受动荡和暴力困扰。
- The government is taking measures to address the unrest and restore stability. 政府正在采取措施应对动荡,恢复稳定。
- The protest started peacefully but soon turned into unrest and clashes with the police. 抗议活动开始时和平,但很快演变成动乱,并与警方发生冲突。
- The unrest in the region is causing concern among neighboring countries. 该地区的动荡引起了邻国的关注。
- Years of political unrest have left the country in a state of economic decline. 多年来的政治动荡使这个国家陷入了经济衰退。
- The government must address the underlying issues to prevent further unrest. 政府必须解决潜在问题,以防止进一步的动荡。
- The unrestful atmosphere in the city made it difficult to concentrate on work. 城市中不安定的氛围使人难以专注于工作。
- She felt unrested after a night of tossing and turning in bed. 她在床上辗转反侧一夜,感到不安宁。
- The unrest in the country has led to an increase in crime rates. 这个国家的动荡导致犯罪率上升。
- The government is facing widespread public unrest following the controversial decision. 在这个有争议的决定之后,政府面临着广泛的公众不满。
- The student protests were a reflection of the growing unrest among the youth. 学生抗议活动反映了青年人日益增长的不安情绪。
- The country's economic crisis has resulted in social and political unrest. 这个国家的经济危机导致了社会和政治的动乱。
- The government declared a state of emergency to control the unrest in the capital. 政府宣布进入紧急状态以控制首都的动荡。
- Peaceful demonstrations turned into violent unrest as clashes broke out between protesters and police. 和平示威活动由于抗议者与警察发生冲突而演变成了暴力动乱。
- The country is experiencing a period of social unrest due to widespread unemployment. 这个国家由于普遍的失业问题正在经历一段社会动荡时期。
- The government's failure to address the grievances of the people has led to widespread unrest. 政府未能解决人民的不满情绪,导致了广泛的动荡。