- boozy /ˈbuːzi/ 酒醉的
- boozed /buːzd/ 酒醉的
- boo /buː/ 嘘声;喝倒彩
- booing /ˈbuːɪŋ/ 嘘声;喝倒彩
- boo-boo /ˈbuːbuː/ 轻伤;小过失
- boozer /ˈbuːzər/ 酒鬼;酒吧
- boozehound /ˈbuːzˌhaʊnd/ 醉鬼
- hiss /hɪs/ 嘶嘶声
- catcall /ˈkætkɔːl/ 嘘声
- jeer /dʒɪər/ 嘲笑
- applaud /əˈplɔːd/ 鼓掌
- cheer /tʃɪər/ 喝彩
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
boo (verb) If an audience boos a performer or a speaker, they shout 'boo' or make other loud sounds to indicate that they do not like the performance or speech.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
boo (noun) A sound uttered to show contempt, dissatisfaction, or derision.
1. He was booed off the stage after his speech.
2. The audience's booing became louder and more intense.
- The crowd erupted in boos as the referee made a controversial decision. (人们对裁判做出的有争议的决定发出了嘘声。)
- She was met with a chorus of boos as she walked onto the stage. (她走上舞台时,迎接她的是一片嘘声。)
- The team's poor performance led to a barrage of booing from the disappointed fans. (球队糟糕的表现引来了失望的球迷们一片口诛笔伐的声音。)
- The politician tried to continue his speech despite the boos from the crowd. (尽管人群中传来嘘声,政治家还是试图继续他的演讲。)
- After a series of mistakes, the goalkeeper was booed by the opposing team's supporters. (在一连串的失误之后,守门员遭到了对方球队支持者的嘘声。)
- The booing and jeering could be heard throughout the stadium. (整个体育馆都可以听到嘘声和嘲笑声。)
- His performance was so terrible that the entire audience erupted in boos. (他的表演太糟糕了,整个观众席都爆发出嘘声。)
- The actress was taken aback by the boos from the audience. (观众的嘘声让女演员感到吃惊。)
- The mayor's speech was met with a mixture of applause and boos. (市长的演讲遭到了掌声和嘘声的交织。)
- Despite the boos from the crowd, the singer continued to perform. (尽管人群中传来嘘声,歌手仍然继续表演。)
- The referee's decision was met with a chorus of booing from the fans. (裁判的决定引发了球迷们一片嘘声。)
- The booing grew louder as the team conceded another goal. (随着球队再丢一球,嘘声越来越大。)
- The politician's speech was interrupted by booing and shouting from the audience. (观众的嘘声和喊叫打断了政治家的演讲。)
- He was met with boos from the crowd as he walked onto the court. (当他走上球场时,人群中传来嘘声。)
- Despite the boos and jeers, the comedian carried on with his routine. (尽管有嘘声和嘲笑声,喜剧演员还是继续表演他的节目。)
- The team left the field to a chorus of boos from their disappointed fans. (球队在失望的球迷们的一片嘘声中离开了球场。)
- The actor's performance was met with boos and hisses from the audience. (观众对演员的表演发出嘘声和嘶嘶声。)
- The controversial artist was frequently booed during his exhibition opening. (这位备受争议的艺术家在他的展览开幕式上经常遭到嘘声。)
- The booing continued even after the band finished their set. (即使乐队结束演出,嘘声仍在继续。)
- He was greeted with boos and insults as he left the courtroom. (当他离开法庭时,人们对他发出嘘声和侮辱。)
- The boos from the audience intensified as the singer forgot the lyrics. (歌手忘词时,观众的嘘声加剧了。)