1. 受喜爱的,受宠的
2. 被爱的,深受喜欢的
3. 感到被爱的,感到被喜欢的
1. 被爱的人,被喜欢的人
- love:n. 爱,喜爱;v. 爱,喜欢
- lovely:adj. 可爱的,美丽的
- lover:n. 情人,爱好者
adored, cherished, treasured, precious
hated, despised, loathed
1. If you are loved by someone, they feel a deep affection for you. (如果你被某人爱着,他们对你有深深的感情。)
2. If you describe something as loved, you mean that it is liked, admired, or enjoyed by a lot of people. (如果你将某物描述为"loved",你的意思是它被很多人喜欢、赞美或享受。)
1. A loved one is someone who you love very much, especially a member of your family. (被爱的人是你非常爱的人,尤其是你的家人成员。)
1. Very much liked or loved. (非常喜欢或被爱。)
2. Liked or admired by a lot of people. (被很多人喜欢或钦佩。)
1. She is deeply loved by her family. (她深受家人的爱戴。)
2. This loved teddy bear has been passed down through generations. (这只心爱的泰迪熊已经传承了好几代。)
3. The loved actress received a standing ovation from the audience. (备受喜爱的女演员获得了观众的起立鼓掌。)
1. He is my loved one. (他是我心爱的人。)
2. The loved dog wagged its tail happily. (受人喜爱的狗高兴地摇着尾巴。)
3. The loved painting was auctioned at a high price. (备受喜爱的画作以高价拍卖。)
4. She found comfort in the arms of her loved ones. (她在亲人的怀抱中找到了安慰。)
5. The loved singer performed to a sold-out crowd. (备受喜爱的歌手为满座观众演出。)
6. He cherished the memories of his loved ones who had passed away. (他珍惜已故的亲人们的回忆。)
7. The loved baby giggled with joy. (受宠爱的婴儿开心地咯咯笑。)
8. She received a beautiful bouquet from her loved one. (她收到了心爱的人送来的一束美丽的花束。)
9. The loved actor won the hearts of millions of fans. (备受喜爱的演员赢得了千万粉丝的心。)
10. We should always express our love to our loved ones. (我们应该始终向我们所爱的人表达爱意。)
11. The loved novel was adapted into a successful film. (备受喜爱的小说改编成了一部成功的电影。)
12. Her loved cat curled up on her lap. (她心爱的猫蜷缩在她的腿上。)
13. The loved athlete received a gold medal for her outstanding performance. (备受喜爱的运动员因出色表现获得了金牌。)
14. He held the hands of his loved ones till the very end. (他与心爱的人手牵手走到了最后。)
15. The loved painting was displayed in a prestigious art gallery. (备受喜爱的画作在一家知名艺术画廊展出。)
16. The loved teacher was adored by all her students. (备受喜爱的老师受到所有学生的崇拜。)
17. She received a heartfelt letter from her loved one. (她收到了心爱的人写的一封衷心的信。)
18. The loved couple celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. (这对心爱的夫妻庆祝了他们的金婚纪念日。)
19. He glanced at the photograph of his loved ones and smiled. (他看了看他心爱的人的照片,微笑了起来。)
20. The loved song brought back memories of their happy times together. (这首备受喜爱的歌曲勾起了他们一起美好时光的回忆。)