responsive [rɪˈspɒnsɪv]:反应快的,敏感的
response [rɪˈspɒns]:回应,反应;答复
responsiveness [rɪˈspɒnsɪvnəs]:反应能力,敏感性
response 和answer:response强调对某个情况或刺激的反应,而answer更侧重于回答问题。
response 和reply:两者都可以表示回答或回复,但response更常用于非正式场合。
respond [rɪˈspɒnd]:回应,响应
responsibility [rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪlɪti]:责任
responsive [rɪˈspɒnsɪv]:反应快的,敏感的
answer [ˈɑːnsər]:回答,答案
reply [rɪˈplaɪ]:回答,回复
reaction [riˈækʃən]:反应
feedback [ˈfiːdbæk]:反馈
silence [ˈsaɪləns]:沉默
unresponsiveness [ʌnrɪˈspɒnsɪvnəs]:不敏感,无反应
responses (名词):
- When you reply to something that someone has said or written, you say or write an answer to them.
- A response is something that you say as a reply or reaction to something that someone has said or done.
- If someone has a particular response to something, they react to it in the way mentioned.
response (名词):
- A verbal or written answer.
- A reaction to something.
- The way in which something is said, done, or presented.
1. 用作名词时,response可表示回应、答复、反应的意思,常用于以下搭配:
- in response to:作为对...的回应
- response time:响应时间
- emotional response:情感反应
- physiological response:生理反应
2. 用作形容词时,responsive表示“反应快的,敏感的”。
- She smiled in response to his greeting. 她对他的问候微笑回应。
- I received a prompt response to my letter. 我收到了对信件的迅速回复。
- His response to the news was one of shock. 他对这个消息的反应是震惊。
- The audience's response was overwhelmingly positive. 观众的反应非常积极。
- In response to the criticism, the company made changes to its policies. 针对批评,公司对其政策进行了改变。
- He was unresponsive to their pleas for help. 他对他们的请求置之不理。
- She is known for her responsive and attentive nature. 她以反应敏捷、关注细节的性格而闻名。
- The child's lack of responsiveness raised concerns among the teachers. 孩子缺乏反应引起了老师们的关注。
- The immediate response of the emergency services saved many lives. 紧急服务的迅速反应挽救了许多生命。
- The government's response to the crisis was widely criticized. 政府对危机的应对遭到了广泛批评。
- In response to public demand, the concert was rescheduled. 应公众需求,音乐会重新安排了时间。
- The company's responsiveness to customer feedback is commendable. 公司对顾客反馈的敏感性值得称赞。
- She responded with a smile. 她以微笑回应。
- He responded to my question with a blank look. 他对我的问题一脸茫然。
- After the incident, the police responded swiftly. 事发后,警察迅速做出了反应。
- He responded positively to the offer of a promotion. 他对晋升的提议作出了积极回应。
- The patient's negative response to the treatment was unexpected. 病人对治疗的负面反应出乎意料。
- The teacher praised her for her quick responses in class. 老师称赞她在课堂上反应迅速。
- The politician's response to the scandal was to deny any involvement. 政客对丑闻的回应是否认参与任何行为。
- He was unable to elicit a response from the audience. 他未能引起观众的反应。
- They waited anxiously for a response from the committee. 他们急切地等待委员会的答复。