《柯林斯词典》(Collins Dictionary)
scanned (adj.)
1. (of a document, picture, etc.) made digital by the process of scanning.
2. (of a person's eyes) quickly look over (a page or written material).
scanned (n.)
1. the act or process of scanning.
2. a digital image or document created by scanning.
scan, skim, and browse
- scan emphasizes a methodical examination or search.
- skim implies a superficial reading or glance that does not take in all the details.
- browse suggests a leisurely or random reading or looking through varied material.
scanned, scanning, scans
examine, scrutinize, survey, glance, peruse, look through
ignore, overlook, neglect
《牛津词典》(Oxford Dictionary)
scanned (adj.)
1. Captured or analyzed by means of scanning.
2. Looked at or over quickly or systematically.
scanned (n.)
1. The action or process of scanning.
2. A digital image or document made by scanning.
Scanned is used as both an adjective and a noun. As an adjective, it describes something that has been digitized or examined quickly. As a noun, it refers to the act or process of scanning or a digital image or document created by scanning.
- I scanned the document to create a digital copy. (我扫描了这份文件,以便创建数字副本。)
- She scanned the room for any signs of her missing keys. (她扫视了房间,寻找遗失的钥匙的任何迹象。)
- He quickly scanned the email to see if there were any urgent messages. (他迅速浏览了一下电子邮件,看是否有紧急消息。)
- The library offers a scanning service for patrons. (图书馆为读者提供扫描服务。)
- The scanned image was stored on the computer for future reference. (扫描的图像被存储在计算机上,以备日后参考。)
- She scanned the newspaper headlines to get a sense of the day's news. (她浏览了报纸头条,了解当天的新闻。)
- The security guard scanned everyone's ID before allowing them to enter the building. (保安在允许他们进入大楼之前,扫描了每个人的身份证。)
- He scanned the contract for any hidden fees. (他审查了合同,寻找任何隐藏的费用。)
- The teacher scanned the students' answers to determine their understanding of the material. (老师扫描学生的答案,以判断他们对材料的理解。)
- The document was scanned into a PDF file. (该文档被扫描成PDF文件。)
- She quickly scanned the menu and decided what to order. (她迅速浏览了一下菜单,决定点什么。)
- The scanner produced a high-quality scanned image. (扫描仪生成了一张高质量的扫描图像。)
- He scanned the crowd for his friends. (他搜索人群,寻找他的朋友。)
- The police officer scanned the area for any signs of the suspect. (警察搜索了该地区,寻找嫌疑人的任何迹象。)
- She scanned the bookshelf, looking for her favorite novel. (她浏览了书架,寻找她最喜欢的小说。)
- After scanning the document, he sent it via email. (扫描完文件后,他通过电子邮件发送了它。)
- The scanner can quickly scan multiple pages at once. (扫描仪可以一次快速扫描多页。)
- She scanned the article but didn't find the information she was looking for. (她浏览了文章,但没有找到她正在寻找的信息。)
- The scanning process can take some time depending on the size of the document. (扫描过程的时间会根据文件的大小而有所不同。)
- He scanned the room, taking note of the decorations and furniture. (他扫视了房间,注意到了装饰和家具。)