1. 形容词
person-like: 人形的,像人的personal: 个人的,私人的
personable: 和蔼可亲的,风度翩翩的
2. 名词
1) 人: 人们;人类: people个体;个人: individual
2) 人物;人士: 名人: celebrity
重要人物: figure
专家;权威: authority
官员: official
3) 人员;员工: 职员;雇员: employee
工作人员: staff
乘客: passenger
3. 词语辨析
persons vs people: "persons" 这个词在大多数情况下不常用,一般使用 "people" 表示人们的意思。但在某些法律和正式文件中,"persons" 被用来指称特定的个人或数量不确定的人。例如:
- All persons wishing to attend the conference must register in advance. (所有希望参加会议的人必须提前注册。) - She has met many interesting people in her travels. (她在旅行中遇到了许多有趣的人。)
4. 词汇扩充
persons of interest: 值得关注的人;引起兴趣的人persons with disabilities: 残疾人
persons in need: 有需要的人
persons in authority: 权威人士
5. 近义词
- individuals - humans - beings6. 反义词
- animals7. 柯林斯词典
persons (名词): 1. 人; 2. 人们, 人类persons (代词): 他们, 他人, 人们
persons (复数): person的复数
8. 牛津词典
persons (名词): 人, 个人,人们persons (复数): person的复数形式
9. 用法
- "Persons" 这个词通常用作名词,表示人或人们。 - "Persons" 作为复数形式,可用来替代 "people"。 - "Persons" 在正式和法律文件中常用来指特定的个人或不确定数量的人。例句:
- He is the person responsible for the project. (他是这个项目的负责人。)
- There were three persons waiting in line. (有三个人在排队等候。)
- She is a very personable young woman. (她是一个非常和蔼可亲的年轻女子。)
- All persons interested in participating should sign up. (所有有兴趣参加的人都应该报名。)
- The person-like robot walked and talked like a human. (那个像人一样的机器人走路和说话都像人类。)
- The company hired additional personnel to meet the growing demand. (公司雇佣了额外的员工以满足不断增长的需求。)
- He is a person of interest in the investigation. (他是调查中值得关注的人。)
- They are looking for persons with disabilities to participate in the study. (他们正在寻找残疾人参与研究。)
- Many persons in need have received assistance from the charity organization. (许多有需要的人从慈善组织得到了帮助。)
- The persons in authority made the final decision. (权威人士做出了最终决定。)
- These persons have been identified as potential witnesses. (这些人被确定为潜在的证人。)
- She is a well-known personality in the entertainment industry. (她是娱乐圈中知名的人物。)
- Many individuals struggle with mental health issues. (许多个人都在与心理健康问题作斗争。)
- Human rights are fundamental to all humans. (人权是所有人类的基本权利。)
- We must respect all living beings. (我们必须尊重所有生命存在。)
- All people are equal in the eyes of the law. (在法律面前,所有人都是平等的。)
- There were thousands of people at the concert. (音乐会上有成千上万的人。)
- These people have different opinions on the matter. (这些人对此事持有不同的观点。)
- All persons entering the building must show identification. (所有进入建筑物的人必须出示身份证明。)
- She is one of the most influential figures in the fashion industry. (她是时尚界最有影响力的人物之一。)
- The conference attracted many persons of interest from various fields. (这次会议吸引了来自各个领域的许多引人注目的人。)