complaints 的形容词形式为 complaining。名词
complaints 的名词形式为 complaint。不同含义
complaints (noun): 1. If you have complaints about a person, thing, or event, you say that they are unsatisfactory or not what you expected. 2. Complaints are an illness or medical condition, especially a fairly minor one.牛津词典
complaints (noun): 1. A statement that something is unsatisfactory or unacceptable. 2. An illness or medical condition, especially a relatively minor one.用法
complaints 可用作可数名词或不可数名词,表示投诉或抱怨的行为或情况。例句
- I have some complaints about the service I received at the restaurant last night.(我对昨晚在餐厅接受的服务有一些投诉。)
- She has been suffering from various complaints lately.(她最近一直有各种不适。)
- He filed a complaint with the company regarding the faulty product.(他向公司投诉了有关该产品的问题。)
- The company has received numerous complaints from dissatisfied customers.(该公司收到了许多不满意顾客的投诉。)
- The customer lodged a complaint with the store manager.(顾客向店经理提出了投诉。)
- She went to the police station to register a complaint about her stolen wallet.(她去了警察局登记她遭到的钱包盗窃投诉。)
- His complaints were dismissed as unfounded.(他的投诉被认为毫无根据。)
- The doctor asked about any other complaints the patient might have.(医生询问了病人可能有的其他不适状况。)
- We take customer complaints very seriously and strive to address them promptly.(我们非常重视客户的投诉,并努力及时解决。)
- She wrote a letter of complaint to the airline after her flight was delayed.(她在航班延误后给航空公司写了一封投诉信。)
- The company has a dedicated complaint department to handle customer concerns.(该公司设有专门的投诉部门来处理客户的问题。)
- He expressed his complaints about the lack of communication within the team.(他对团队内部缺乏沟通表达了不满。)
- The complaints voiced by the employees were taken into consideration during the decision-making process.(员工提出的投诉在决策过程中得到了考虑。)
- She had no complaint against the company and was satisfied with their service.(她对该公司没有任何不满,并对他们的服务感到满意。)
- The patient listed his various complaints when describing his symptoms to the doctor.(病人在向医生描述症状时列出了他的各种不适。)
- The dissatisfied customer made a complaint to the store manager about the poor quality of the product.(不满意的顾客向店经理投诉产品的质量差。)
- The company takes all complaints seriously and investigates them thoroughly.(公司对所有的投诉都非常重视,并进行彻底的调查。)
- She expressed her complaints about the noise coming from her neighbor's apartment.(她对邻居公寓传来的噪音表示不满。)
- The customer's complaint was resolved to their satisfaction.(顾客的投诉得到了满意的解决。)
- He has a long list of complaints against the company's management.(他对公司的管理层有很长的一串不满。)
- The patient's complaints were taken seriously and thoroughly investigated by the medical staff.(医务人员认真对待了病人的不适情况,并进行了彻底的调查。)