1. pooling /'pulɪŋ/ (adj.)
【英】(of resources) combining or shared by a group of people or organizations
例:pooling of knowledge and expertise
1. pooling /'pulɪŋ/ (n.)
【英】the action or process of combining or sharing resources or information
例:the pooling of data from different sources
1. pooling vs. combining
【例】The project required pooling our resources and expertise. (这个项目需要我们共享资源和专长。)
【例】The artist combined different colors to create a vibrant painting. (艺术家将不同的颜色组合在一起创作了一幅生动的画。)
1. resource pooling /'ri:sɔːrs 'pulɪŋ/ (n.)
【英】the process of combining and sharing resources among individuals or organizations
例:resource pooling can lead to more efficient use of available assets
1. consolidation /kənˌsɒlɪˈdeɪʃ(ə)n/ (n.)
【英】the action or process of combining several things into a single more effective or coherent whole
例:the consolidation of power
1. individualization /ɪndɪˌvɪdʒʊəlʌɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/ (n.)
【英】the action or process of making something individual or distinctive
例:the individualization of tasks
pooling (noun)
【英】the act of combining different things or of sharing them among a group of people
例:the pooling of resources
pooling (noun)
【英】the action of combining different things or of sharing them among a group of people
例:the pooling of knowledge and experience
1. 动词短语
【英】pool resources
【例】The organizations decided to pool resources for the charity event. (这些组织决定为慈善活动合并资源。)
- The pooling of knowledge and expertise leads to innovative solutions. (知识和专长的共享导致创新的解决方案。)
- Resource pooling can enhance efficiency and reduce costs. (资源合并可以提高效率并降低成本。)
- The project required pooling our resources and expertise. (这个项目需要我们共享资源和专长。)
- They are pooling their funds to start a new business. (他们正在合并资金开办一家新公司。)
- The pooling of data from different sources allows for comprehensive analysis. (来自不同来源的数据的合并可以进行全面的分析。)
- The company is considering the consolidation of its various departments. (公司正在考虑合并其各个部门。)
- Resource pooling can lead to more efficient use of available assets. (资源合并可以使现有资产的利用更加高效。)
- The individualization of tasks allows for greater customization. (任务的个性化可以更好地进行定制。)
- The pooling of resources among the team members was crucial for the project's success. (团队成员之间的资源共享对项目的成功至关重要。)
- They decided to pool their knowledge and skills to solve the complex problem. (他们决定合并知识和技能来解决这个复杂的问题。)
- The consolidation of power in the hands of a few can be detrimental to democracy. (将权力集中在少数人手中对民主有害。)
- The pooling of ideas and creativity resulted in a groundbreaking invention. (思想和创造力的共享导致了一项开创性的发明。)
- Pooling our resources will give us a competitive advantage in the market. (合并我们的资源将使我们在市场上具有竞争优势。)
- They are considering the individualization of their products to cater to different customer preferences. (他们正在考虑将他们的产品个性化以满足不同的客户偏好。)
- The pooling of data allows for a more comprehensive analysis of the situation. (数据的合并可以对情况进行更全面的分析。)
- They pooled their funds to invest in a promising startup. (他们合并资金投资了一家有前景的初创企业。)
- The company is exploring options for resource pooling with other organizations. (公司正在探索与其他组织资源合并的选项。)
- Pooling knowledge and expertise from different fields can lead to breakthrough innovations. (将不同领域的知识和专长合并可以带来突破性的创新。)
- The consolidation of departments resulted in a more streamlined workflow. (部门的合并导致了工作流程的更加流畅。)
- They decided to pool their resources to tackle the challenging project. (他们决定合并资源来应对这个具有挑战性的项目。)
- The individualization of products allows for personalized experiences for customers. (产品的个性化为客户提供了个性化的体验。)