- 扩大的,膨胀的
- 广阔的,宽广的
- 详细阐述的,详尽的
- 扩展,扩大
- 发展,增长
- 扩张,膨胀
- expand:强调从内部逐渐扩大或增长,使变得更大或更广泛。
- extend:指使某物延伸到更远的地方,或延长某物的时间或持续期限。
- enlarge:着重于使某物变大、增加尺寸或范围。
- inflate:指充气使膨胀或扩张,也可用于比喻意义。
- expansion:扩展,扩大
- expanded:扩大的,扩展的
- expanding:扩张的,膨胀的
- expander:扩展者,扩大机
- grow:增长,发展
- develop:发展,拓展
- extend:延伸,扩展
- enlarge:扩大,增加
- swell:膨胀,增大
- contract:收缩,缩小
- shrink:收缩,缩小
- reduce:减少,缩小
- decrease:减少,降低
- diminish:减少,缩小
1. If something expands or is expanded, it becomes larger or more extensive.
2. If a gas expands or is expanded, it becomes larger in volume, usually because it is heated.
3. If a business expands or is expanded, it becomes larger and more successful.
4. If a government or institution expands something, it makes it larger or more important.
5. If a book or article expands on or upon a particular point, it gives more information about it.
6. If you expand on or upon something, or if you expand it, you give more details about it.
7. If you expand your mind or your horizons, or if your mind or your horizons expand, you become more willing to consider new ideas or to think about new subjects.
8. If your chest expands or is expanded with pride or another strong emotion, you feel very proud or strongly emotional.
1. Become or make larger or more extensive.
2. Speak or write at length or in detail.
- expand on/upon something:详细阐述某事
- expand one's horizons:开阔某人的视野
- expand a business:扩大一家企业
- expand one's knowledge:增加某人的知识
- expand one's vocabulary:扩充某人的词汇量
- The company plans to expand its operations in Asia. (该公司计划扩大在亚洲的业务。)
- The universe is constantly expanding. (宇宙在不断膨胀。)
- She expanded on the topic during her presentation. (她在演讲中详细阐述了这个话题。)
- The balloon expanded as it was filled with air. (气球在充气时膨胀了起来。)
- The school is expanding to accommodate more students. (学校正在扩建以容纳更多的学生。)
- He expanded his business by opening new branches. (他通过开设新分店来扩大自己的业务。)
- The article expands on the benefits of regular exercise. (这篇文章详细阐述了经常锻炼的好处。)
- She expanded her vocabulary by learning new words every day. (她每天学习新单词以扩充自己的词汇量。)
- His mind expanded after traveling to different countries. (他在去不同的国家旅行后,思想变得更开阔了。)
- The professor expanded upon the key points of the lecture. (教授对讲座的要点进行了详细阐述。)
- The company is expanding rapidly in the global market. (该公司在全球市场上迅速扩张。)
- The population of the city has expanded significantly in recent years. (这座城市的人口近年来有了显著增长。)
- She expanded her business by introducing new products. (她通过推出新产品来扩大了自己的业务。)
- His chest expanded with pride when he received the award. (当他获得奖项时,他的胸膛因为自豪感而膨胀。)
- The company decided to expand its manufacturing facilities. (公司决定扩大其制造设施。)
- The government plans to expand the healthcare system. (政府计划扩大医疗保健系统。)
- The book expands upon the author's earlier ideas. (这本书详细阐述了作者之前的想法。)
- The city has expanded its public transportation network. (这座城市扩大了公共交通网络。)
- The company is expanding its range of products. (该公司正在扩大其产品范围。)
- She expanded her knowledge by taking online courses. (她通过参加在线课程来增加自己的知识。)
- The company aims to expand its market share. (该公司旨在扩大市场份额。)