- conversion:转换,变换
- conversion factor:换算系数
- conversion rate:转换率
- conversion table:换算表
- conversion chart:转换图表
- conversion of units:单位换算
- conversion of currency:货币兑换
- conversion of energy:能量转换
- conversion of temperature:温度转换
- conversion of measurements:测量单位转换
- conversion therapy:转换疗法
- convertible:可转换的
- conversive:转换的
- converted:转换的,改变信仰的
- conversion process:转换过程
- conversion efficiency:转换效率
- conversion technology:转换技术
- conversion factor:转换因子
- conversion formula:转换公式
- conversion:指将一个事物转变成另一种事物,通常涉及单位、形式、性质等方面的转变。
- transform:指通过改变形态或性质使事物发生根本性的变化。
- transformation
- change
- alteration
- modification
- metamorphosis
- retention
- preservation
- stagnation
- conservation
conversion (noun)
1. The conversion of one thing into another is the act of changing or exchanging them.
2. A conversion is the act of persuading someone to change their religion or beliefs.
3. A conversion is the process of changing something from one system or use to another.
4. The conversion of a building is the process of changing it so that it can be used for a different purpose from the one for which it was originally designed.
conversion (noun)
1. The process of converting something from one form, system, or purpose to another.
2. The fact of changing one's religion or beliefs or the action of persuading someone else to change theirs.
3. The process of changing one's beliefs or assumptions, especially as a result of gradual acceptance of a different alternative.
4. The act or an instance of scoring extra points after having scored a touchdown.
1. The conversion of the old warehouse into luxury apartments is almost complete.
2. She underwent a conversion to Buddhism after a trip to Thailand.
3. The company is working on the conversion of its paper records into digital format.
4. His conversion to vegetarianism was prompted by concerns about animal welfare.
5. The conversion of electrical energy into light energy is a fundamental principle of modern technology.
6. The campaign aims to promote the conversion of public transportation to eco-friendly fuels.
1. 这个软件可以进行不同单位之间的换算。
This software can perform conversion between different units.
2. 这个公司计划将老旧建筑物改造成酒店。
The company plans to convert the old building into a hotel.
3. 他的改变是一个迅速而彻底的转变。
His change was a rapid and complete conversion.
4. 这次旅行让她对这个国家产生了彻底的转变。
The trip brought about a complete conversion in her perception of the country.
5. 他们正在进行能源转换的研究。
They are conducting research on energy conversion.
6. 这个项目旨在推广公共交通工具向环保燃料的转换。
The project aims to promote the conversion of public transportation to eco-friendly fuels.
7. 我们需要一个温度换算表。
We need a temperature conversion table.
8. 他已经转变了对这个问题的看法。
He has undergone a conversion in his views on the issue.
9. 转换疗法是一种受到争议的心理治疗方法。
Conversion therapy is a controversial form of psychological treatment.
10. 这个软件可以将PDF文件转换为Word文档。
This software can convert PDF files into Word documents.
11. 这个项目的转换效率非常高。
The conversion efficiency of this project is very high.
12. 他们正在研究一种新的能量转换技术。
They are researching a new conversion technology for energy.
13. 你知道美元和人民币之间的兑换率吗?
Do you know the conversion rate between the US dollar and Chinese yuan?
14. 他们已经完成了这个项目的测量单位转换表。
They have completed the conversion table for the units of measurement in this project.
15. 这个软件可以帮助你进行货币兑换。
This software can assist you in currency conversion.
16. 换算因子是多少?
What is the conversion factor?
17. 这个公式可以用来进行单位换算。
This formula can be used for unit conversion.
18. 他在评分之后又得到了额外的得分。
He scored an extra point after the conversion.
19. 他们正在寻找建筑转换方面的专家。
They are looking for an expert in building conversion.
20. 这个项目涉及到了工艺技术的转变。
This project involves a conversion of the manufacturing process.