credentials noun
- 凭证;证书
- 资格证明;资历
credentials adjective
- 有资格的
- 可信赖的
credentials noun
- (尤指个人的)证明文件,资格证明
- (机构或公司的)证明文件,信用证明
credentials adjective
- 有资格的
- 可信赖的
相关词汇:qualification, certificate, diploma, license, testimony, diploma, testimonials, references
credentials 和 qualification 都可以表示"资格证明"的意思,但 credentials 更强调一组文件或证书,而 qualification 更多指具备某种特定技能或学历。
qualifications, certificates, testimonials, references
disqualifications, discredits
credentials 是一个复数名词,作为单数形式时表示"资格证明",作为复数形式时表示一组文件或证书。它也可用作形容词,表示"有资格的"或"可信赖的"。
- He provided his credentials to prove his qualifications for the job.(他提供了他的证书来证明他适合这个工作。)
- She has impressive credentials in the field of medicine.(她在医学领域有令人印象深刻的资历。)
- The candidate's credentials were thoroughly checked before hiring him.(在雇佣该候选人之前,对他的资格进行了彻底的核查。)
- Having a degree in computer science is a valuable credential in the IT industry.(在计算机科学领域获得学位是IT行业中的有价值的资格证明。)
- The company requires all applicants to submit their credentials along with their resumes.(公司要求所有申请者在简历中提交他们的证明文件。)
- Her excellent work experience and strong educational background are her credentials for the promotion.(她优秀的工作经验和扎实的教育背景是她晋升的资格。)
- The lawyer presented his impressive credentials to the court.(律师向法庭展示了他令人印象深刻的资历。)
- The company's credentials are well-respected in the industry.(该公司的信誉在业界受到高度赞扬。)
- She is a credible witness with impeccable credentials.(她是一个可靠的证人,拥有无可挑剔的资历。)
- His educational credentials make him a suitable candidate for the position.(他的教育背景使他成为这个职位的合适候选人。)
- The journalist has the necessary credentials to cover the political event.(这位记者具备报道政治事件所需的必要资格。)
- She was hired based on her impressive credentials and experience.(她凭借令人印象深刻的资历和经验被雇佣。)
- He submitted his professional credentials to apply for the job.(他提交了他的专业资格证明来申请这份工作。)
- In order to be considered for the scholarship, you need to provide your academic credentials.(为了有资格获得奖学金,你需要提供你的学术证明。)
- The company's credentials were thoroughly checked by the investors.(投资者对公司的信誉进行了彻底的核查。)
- She has all the necessary credentials to be a successful entrepreneur.(她具备成为成功企业家所需的所有必要资格。)
- The politician's credentials were called into question after the scandal.(在丑闻曝光后,这位政治家的信誉受到了质疑。)
- His credentials as an expert in the field are well-known.(他作为该领域专家的资历是众所周知的。)
- The job applicant submitted his credentials along with his cover letter.(求职者在求职信中提交了他的证明文件。)
- She was chosen for the position based on her educational credentials and relevant experience.(她凭借她的教育背景和相关经验被选为这个职位。)
- Her professional credentials qualified her for the leadership role.(她的职业资格使她有资格担任领导职务。)