bringing (noun): The bringing of something somewhere is the act of causing it to be taken there.
bringing (noun): The action of bringing someone or something to a place.
- His bringing that up during the meeting was unexpected. (他在会议上提及那件事情让人意外。)
- The bringing of the cake was a nice surprise. (蛋糕的送来是一个很好的惊喜。)
- She had a difficult upbringing, but it made her strong. (她的成长经历很艰难,但这使她变得坚强。)
- The bringing of the new law caused a lot of controversy. (新法律的颁布引发了很多争议。)
- He was responsible for the bringing of the company's products to international markets. (他负责将公司产品带到国际市场。)
- Their bringing up their children in a loving environment has had a positive impact on their development. (他们在一个充满爱的环境中抚养孩子对他们的发展产生了积极的影响。)
- I appreciate your bringing this matter to my attention. (谢谢你将这件事情带到我注意。)
- My bringing up the topic sparked a lively debate. (我提出这个话题引发了一场热烈的讨论。)
- The bringing of the goods from the warehouse to the store was delayed due to bad weather. (因为天气原因,从仓库运送商品到商店的过程被延迟了。)
- She had a difficult bringing, but she managed to overcome the challenges. (她的成长经历很艰难,但她设法克服了挑战。)
- The bringing of the new technology has revolutionized the industry. (新技术的引入使得这个行业发生了革命性的变化。)
- His bringing of the evidence to light helped solve the mystery. (他将证据揭示出来帮助解决了谜团。)
- Their bringing up their children in a disciplined manner has led to well-behaved kids. (他们以有纪律的方式养育孩子,孩子们表现良好。)
- I heard about the bringing of a new company to our town. (我听说我们镇上要引进一家新公司。)
- The bringing of the news was met with mixed reactions. (这个消息的传递引起了各种不同的反应。)
- The bringing of the issue to public attention raised awareness about the problem. (将这个问题引起公众关注提高了人们对问题的认识。)
- I can't thank you enough for your bringing of this opportunity to me. (我对你把这个机会带给我感激不尽。)
- Their bringing up of their children in a multicultural environment has made them open-minded individuals. (他们在多元文化的环境中抚养孩子使他们成为了思想开放的人。)
- The bringing of fresh flowers to the room added a touch of beauty. (将新鲜花朵带到房间里增添了一丝美感。)
- The bringing of a smile to her face made my day. (看到她脸上露出笑容让我开心了一整天。)
- His bringing up of that old argument only caused more tension in the room. (他提出那个旧争论只会在房间里制造更多的紧张氛围。)