processed [形容词]
- 经过加工的
- 处理过的
- 加工过的
processed [名词]
- 加工食品
- 处理过程
processed 和 unprocessed
processed 指经过加工或处理的,而 unprocessed 指未经加工或处理的。
形容词:treated, refined, modified
名词:processing, processing method
manufactured, prepared, converted
unprocessed, natural, raw
processed [形容词]
- Processed food has been specially treated or changed in some way before being sold, in order to preserve it.
- If you describe information as processed, you mean that it has been presented or prepared in a particular way.
processed [形容词]
- (of food) having had a series of mechanical or chemical operations performed on it to change or preserve it.
- (of data) subjected to an operation or series of operations, in order to extract useful information.
1. 形容词用法:
- She prefers to eat fresh vegetables rather than processed ones. (她更喜欢吃新鲜的蔬菜而不是加工过的蔬菜。)
- The processed data is ready for analysis. (处理过的数据已经准备好进行分析。)
2. 名词用法:
- Many people are concerned about the health risks associated with processed foods. (许多人对与加工食品相关的健康风险表示担忧。)
- The processing of the raw materials requires specialized equipment. (原材料的加工需要专门的设备。)
- I try to avoid eating processed foods and opt for fresh ingredients instead. (我尽量避免食用加工食品,而选择新鲜的食材。)
- She bought some processed cheese from the supermarket. (她从超市购买了一些加工奶酪。)
- The company uses a processing method that ensures high-quality products. (该公司采用一种确保产品高质量的加工方法。)
- He is responsible for overseeing the entire processing of the raw materials. (他负责监督原材料的整个加工过程。)
- The processed data needs to be analyzed in order to extract meaningful insights. (需要对处理过的数据进行分析,以提取有意义的洞察。)
- They sell a wide range of processed meats, such as sausages and bacon. (他们销售各种加工肉类产品,如香肠和培根。)
- The processed information is presented in a clear and concise manner. (处理过的信息以清晰简洁的方式呈现。)
- She avoids buying processed snacks and prefers to make her own healthy ones. (她避免购买加工的零食,更喜欢自己制作健康的零食。)
- After the initial processing, the data is ready for further analysis. (经过最初的处理后,数据准备好进行进一步的分析。)
- The processed goods are packaged and labeled before being shipped to the customers. (加工过的商品在发货之前进行包装和贴标。)
- He works in a processing plant where raw materials are transformed into finished products. (他在一个原材料被加工成成品的加工厂工作。)
- The processed images are stored in a digital format for easy retrieval. (处理过的图像以数字格式存储,方便检索。)
- The company is known for its high-quality processed meats. (该公司以其高质量的加工肉类产品而闻名。)
- She was hired to oversee the processing of customer orders and ensure timely delivery. (她被聘请负责监督客户订单的处理,并确保及时交付。)
- The processed data is organized into different categories for easier analysis. (处理过的数据按不同的类别进行组织,以便更容易进行分析。)
- The processed cheese is made from a blend of different types of cheese. (加工奶酪是由不同类型的奶酪混合而成。)
- They are working on improving the efficiency of the processing system. (他们正在努力提高加工系统的效率。)
- The company specializes in the processing of agricultural products for export. (该公司专门从事农产品的加工出口业务。)
- The processed information is presented in a clear and organized manner. (处理过的信息以清晰有序的方式呈现。)
- She follows a diet that avoids processed sugars and focuses on natural sweeteners. (她遵循一种避免加工糖而侧重于天然甜味剂的饮食。)