1. 名词
stalks [n.pl.] (植物的)茎,秆相关词汇
- stem [n.] 茎,干 - shoot [n.] 嫩芽,嫩枝 - twig [n.] 小枝,嫩枝词语辨析
stalks [名词] (植物的)茎,秆牛津词典
stalks [名词] (植物的)茎,秆2. 形容词
stalks [形容词] 细长的,显眼的,引人注目的词汇扩充
- slender [形容词] 细长的,苗条的 - conspicuous [形容词] 显眼的,引人注目的 - prominent [形容词] 突出的,显著的近义词
short、inconspicuous、unremarkable3. 词组与用法
- follow someone's every move 如影随形地跟踪某人 - on the stalk 在茎上 - a stalk of celery 一根芹菜 - a stalk of wheat 一根小麦秆例句
- The corn stalks rustled in the breeze. (玉米秆在微风中沙沙作响。)
- The lion stealthily stalks its prey. (狮子悄悄地追踪猎物。)
- She cut the flower stalks to arrange them in a vase. (她剪断了花茎,把它们插在花瓶里。)
- The hunter stalked the deer through the forest. (猎人在森林中潜伏追踪鹿。)
- The giraffe's long neck and stalk-like legs make it a unique animal. (长颈鹿的长脖子和细长的腿使它成为一种独特的动物。)
- She felt someone's eyes on her, and turned to see a man staring at her with a noticeable stalk. (她感觉到有人在盯着她,回头一看,有个男人用显眼的目光盯着她。)
- The flower stalks swayed gracefully in the breeze. (花茎在微风中优雅地摇曳。)
- The detective stalked the suspect, gathering evidence along the way. (侦探悄悄跟踪嫌疑人,并一路搜集证据。)
- She carefully removed the stalks from the cherries before baking the pie. (她在烤馅饼前仔细拔掉樱桃的茎。)
- He stood out in the crowd with his tall stature and prominent stalk. (他因身材高大和显著的外貌特征在人群中显眼。)
- They walked through the field, brushing against the tall stalks of wheat. (他们穿过田地,擦过高高的小麦秆。)
- She followed the butterfly as it fluttered from flower to flower, its delicate stalks supporting its colorful wings. (她跟随蝴蝶从花朵飞到花朵,脆弱的茎支撑着它多彩的翅膀。)
- He could see the stalker lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike. (他能看到那个潜伏在阴影中的跟踪者,等待着合适的时机发动袭击。)
- The tall sunflowers stood proudly, their sturdy stalks reaching for the sky. (高高的向日葵傲然矗立,坚实的茎伸向天空。)
- The hiker carefully stepped over the fallen tree's mossy stalks. (徒步旅行者小心地踏过倒下的树木上长满苔藓的树干。)
- She watched as the giraffe gracefully extended its long neck to reach the leaves on the tree stalks. (她看着长颈鹿优雅地伸出长颈,够到树枝上的叶子。)
- He stealthily followed the suspect, staying close behind him as they moved through the crowded streets. (他悄悄地跟踪嫌疑人,在拥挤的街道上始终紧紧跟在他后面。)
- The farmer harvested the ripe wheat, cutting the golden stalks with a scythe. (农民收割成熟的小麦,用大镰刀割下金黄的秆。)
- The child was fascinated by the tall stalks of bamboo growing in the garden. (孩子对花园里长得高高的竹子茎感到着迷。)
- She was startled when she felt someone's cold hand on her neck and turned to see a masked figure stalking her. (当她感到有人的冰冷手掌在她的脖子上时,她吓了一跳,回头看到有一个戴面具的人在跟踪她。)