1. 繁荣的,兴旺的
1. 繁荣,兴旺
2. (船只的)横桁,横杆
3. (河流或运河的)隔栏
4. (炮声或爆炸声的)隆隆声
5. (鸟类的)鼓状翅膀
6. (铁路或道路的)栏杆
7. 增长期,迅速发展时期
8. 增长行情
9. (石油或矿石的)储量
10. (无人机的)悬挂装置
11. (摄影)扩音器,光罩
1. boom vs. bust: 繁荣 vs. 衰退
2. economic boom: 经济繁荣
3. population boom: 人口激增
4. baby boom: 生育高峰期
1. boom box: 音乐播放器
2. boom-bust cycle: 繁荣-衰退周期
3. boom town: 繁荣的小镇
4. sonic boom: 音爆
prosper, flourish, thrive, surge, upswing
recession, slump, decline, contraction
1. If there is a boom in the economy, there is an increase in economic activity, for example in the number of goods that are produced and the number of people that are employed. (经济) 繁荣的
1. A boom is a period of rapid economic growth. 繁荣时期
2. A boom in a particular kind of activity is a sudden increase in it. (某种活动的) 繁荣,兴旺
3. A boom is a long pole which is used to support something such as a crane or a barrier. (起重机或路障等的) 杆,臂
4. A boom is a long barrier which floats in the water to stop boats or floating objects from going where they want to go. 栅栏
5. A boom is a long pole with a weight at one end that is used to mark the edge of an area which is being searched for oil or minerals. (用于标示石油或矿产的) 杆
6. A boom is a long pole which extends from the bottom of a sail to the mast, and whose lower edge can be moved out to one side in order to increase the area of the sail and also to control the angle at which the sail stands to the wind. (帆船的) 横桁,横杆
1. A loud, deep, resonant sound. 隆隆声
2. A period of rapid economic growth. 繁荣时期
3. A floating barrier across a river or harbor, typically one that is opened and closed to control the water level or to permit the passage of boats. 栅栏
4. A long pole projecting from the mast of a derrick, especially one used to extend the length of a boom or the reach of a crane. 杆
5. A horizontal pole that supports the foot of a sail. 横桁,横杆
6. A spar extending the foot of a sail. (帆船的) 横桁,横杆
1. The economy is experiencing a boom. (经济正在经历繁荣时期。)
2. The population boom has led to increased demand for housing. (人口激增导致了对住房的需求增加。)
3. The construction industry is in a boom phase. (建筑业正处于繁荣阶段。)
4. The crane's boom swung around as it lifted the heavy cargo. (起重机的臂在举起重货物时摆动着。)
5. The boat was secured to the dock by a boom. (船只用杆系在码头上。)
6. The oil rig uses a boom to mark the drilling area. (石油钻井平台用杆标示钻探区域。)
- The economic boom has created thousands of new jobs. (经济繁荣创造了数千个新的就业机会。)
- The baby boom after World War II led to a surge in school enrollments. (二战后的生育高峰导致了学生入学人数的激增。)
- The city experienced a population boom in the 1990s. (该城市在20世纪90年代经历了人口激增。)
- The construction industry is currently in a boom phase. (建筑业目前正处于繁荣阶段。)
- The ship's boom swung back and forth as it unloaded the cargo. (船只在卸货时,杆来回摆动。)
- The harbor uses booms to control boat traffic. (港口使用栅栏来控制船只交通。)
- The oil company marked the drilling area with a boom. (石油公司用杆标示钻井区域。)
- There has been a boom in online shopping in recent years. (近年来,网上购物出现了繁荣。)
- The sonic boom from the fighter jets startled the residents. (战斗机产生的音爆惊吓了居民。)
- During the economic boom, housing prices skyrocketed. (经济繁荣时期,房价飙升。)
- The baby boom generation is reaching retirement age. (生育高峰期的一代人正在接近退休年龄。)
- The construction industry is experiencing a boom due to increased infrastructure projects. (由于基础设施项目的增加,建筑业正在经历繁荣。)
- The ship's boom broke during the storm. (风暴中船只的杆断裂了。)
- He used a boom microphone to capture the sound of the concert. (他使用了一个扩音器来捕捉音乐会的声音。)
- The stock market is in a boom period. (股票市场正处于繁荣期。)
- The tourism industry is experiencing a boom due to increased international travel. (由于国际旅行的增加,旅游业正在经历繁荣。)
- The boom in technology companies has led to a surge in job opportunities. (科技公司的繁荣导致了工作机会的激增。)
- He tied a boom to the sail to increase its area and catch more wind. (他给帆绑上了横桁,以增大面积,捕捉更多的风力。)
- During the baby boom, many new schools were built to accommodate the increased number of students. (在生育高峰期,建造了许多新学校以容纳增加的学生人数。)
- The economy is booming, with record-breaking growth rates. (经济正在蓬勃发展,增长率创下了纪录。)
- The company's profits have boomed in the last quarter. (公司在上个季度的利润猛增。)
- The construction industry is booming, with new projects starting every week. (建筑业正在蓬勃发展,每周都有新项目开始。)