1. deviated - 中文翻译:偏离的,背离的 - 例句:The project has deviated from its original plan. - 译文:这个项目已经偏离了原计划。 2. deviated - 中文翻译:异常的,变异的 - 例句:The patient's deviated behavior concerned the doctors. - 译文:患者异常的行为让医生们感到担忧。名词(Noun)
1. deviation - 中文翻译:偏离,背离 - 例句:There was a deviation from the usual procedure. - 译文:与通常程序有所偏离。 2. deviation - 中文翻译:偏差,偏离值 - 例句:The measurement had a deviation of 2 centimeters. - 译文:这次测量的偏差为2厘米。词语辨析
- deviate, stray, diverge:这三个词都表示“偏离”,但在使用上有些许区别。deviate是最常用的词,指明目标或规范的偏离。stray强调迷失方向或离开原定路线。而diverge则强调意见、观点等的分歧或分离。词汇扩充
- deviant:中文翻译为“异常的,反常的”,形容人或行为。 - deviationism:中文翻译为“偏离主义”,指政治、经济等方面的思想或政策的偏离。近义词(Synonyms)
- stray, wander, digress, diverge, veer, swerve反义词(Antonyms)
- conform, adhere, comply, stick, follow柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
- deviated (adjective): departure from an accepted standard or norm; divergent - deviation (noun): departure from an accepted standard or norm; difference or divergence牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
- deviate (verb): depart from an established course - deviation (noun): the action of departing from an established course or accepted standard用法
- Deviated is the past tense and past participle form of the verb deviate. - Deviation is the noun form of deviate.相关例句
- The car deviated from its lane and almost hit the pedestrian.
(这辆车偏离了车道,差点撞到行人。) - Her behavior deviated significantly from the norm.
(她的行为与常态明显不符。) - The company's financial report showed a deviation from the expected profits.
(公司的财务报告显示利润偏离了预期。) - He tends to deviate from the main topic during discussions.
(他在讨论中往往偏离主题。) - The aircraft had to deviate from its flight path due to bad weather.
(由于恶劣天气,飞机不得不偏离飞行航线。) - Her deviant behavior raised concerns among her friends.
(她的反常行为引起了朋友们的担忧。) - There was a significant deviation between the experimental and expected results.
(实验结果与预期结果之间存在明显的偏差。) - We should adhere to the rules and not deviate from them.
(我们应该遵守规则,不要偏离它们。) - He deviated from the script and improvised his lines.
(他偏离剧本,即兴发挥了台词。) - The teacher noticed that the student's attention had deviated from the lesson.
(老师注意到学生的注意力已经偏离了课堂。) - His actions deviated greatly from his words.
(他的行动与他的言辞大相径庭。) - We need to correct the deviation in the manufacturing process.
(我们需要纠正制造过程中的偏差。) - Her decision was a deviation from the usual conservative approach.
(她的决定是一种与通常保守方法相异的偏离。) - The hiker strayed from the marked trail and got lost.
(徒步旅行者偏离了标记的小径而迷路了。) - During the debate, the discussion diverged into different tangents.
(辩论期间,讨论分散到不同的话题上。) - The car veered suddenly to avoid hitting the pedestrian.
(为了避免撞到行人,汽车突然转向。) - She tends to digress from the main point and go off on tangents.
(她往往离开主要观点,走向其他话题。) - He swerved to avoid the pothole on the road.
(他转向以避开道路上的坑洼。) - Please adhere to the instructions and do not deviate from them.
(请遵守指示,不要偏离它们。) - The project was completed without any deviation from the original plan.