柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
omen (noun): An omen is a sign that something is going to happen.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
omen (noun): An omen is a sign of what is going to happen in the future.
- The black cat crossing your path is considered an omen of bad luck. (黑猫穿过你的道路被认为是坏运气的预兆。)
- Dark clouds are often seen as a ominous sign of an approaching storm. (乌云通常被视为暗示即将来临的风暴的不祥征兆。)
- Her sudden illness was an omen that her trip would not go well. (她突然生病是她旅行不顺利的预兆。)
- The crow's cawing was seen as an omen of death by the superstitious villagers. (乌鸦的叫声被迷信的村民视为死亡的征兆。)
- The dark and stormy night created an ominous atmosphere. (黑暗而暴风雨的夜晚营造出一种不祥的氛围。)
- The arrival of the rainbow was an omen of good fortune. (彩虹的出现是好运的预兆。)
- The howling wind and crashing waves were ominous signs of the approaching typhoon. (呼啸的风和波涛汹涌的海浪是台风来临的不祥征兆。)
- The ancient Romans believed that the flight patterns of birds could be used as omens to predict future events. (古罗马人相信鸟类的飞行模式可以用作预测未来事件的征兆。)
- She took the sudden power outage as an omen that she should start preparing for a possible storm. (她把突然的停电视作她应该开始准备可能的风暴的预兆。)
- The omen of a shooting star is said to bring good luck. (据说流星的征兆会带来好运。)
- The eerie silence in the haunted house was an omen that something paranormal was about to happen. (闹鬼的房子中的诡异寂静是有关超自然事件即将发生的征兆。)
- The wild animals fleeing from the forest were seen as omens of an impending earthquake. (从森林中逃离的野生动物被视为即将到来的地震的征兆。)
- The ominous dark clouds filled the sky, foretelling a heavy rainstorm. (不祥的乌云填满了天空,预示着一场暴雨即将来临。)
- The sudden drop in stock prices was seen as an ominous sign of an economic recession. (股价的突然下跌被视为经济衰退的不祥征兆。)
- His expression turned ominous when he heard the bad news. (当他听到坏消息时,他的表情变得不祥起来。)
- The howling wind and crashing waves created an ominous atmosphere. (呼啸的风和波涛汹涌的海浪营造出一种不祥的氛围。)
- The ominous sound of footsteps outside the door made her heart race. (门外不祥的脚步声使她的心跳加速。)
- Her dreams were filled with ominous visions of the future. (她的梦境充满了对未来的不祥预示。)
- The ominous silence in the graveyard gave her an eerie feeling. (墓地中的不祥寂静给她一种诡异的感觉。)
- The ominous thunderclouds signaled the arrival of a severe thunderstorm. (不祥的雷云预示着一场严重的雷暴的到来。)