- 1. 疲惫不堪的;萎靡不振的
- 2. 高峰的;最高的
- 3. 病容满面的;憔悴的
- 1. 山峰;山顶
- 2. 疾病的顶峰期
1. tired - 疲倦的
2. exhausted - 精疲力尽的
3. withered - 枯萎的
1. energetic - 精力充沛的
2. robust - 强健的
3. thriving - 蓬勃发展的
1. ADJECTIVE: If someone is peaked, they look ill or tired.
2. ADJECTIVE: If you say that something is at its peak, you mean that it is at its highest or greatest level of ability, achievement, or intensity.
3. ADJECTIVE: If you describe someone as peaked, you mean that they are thin and pale because they are ill or have been worried.
4. NOUN: A peak is the pointed top of a mountain.
5. NOUN: The peak of a process or an activity is the point at which it is at its strongest, most successful, or most fully developed.
1. ADJECTIVE: pale and drawn in appearance, especially because of tiredness or ill health.
2. ADJECTIVE: at the point of maximum condition, intensity, or activity.
3. NOUN: the pointed top of a mountain.
4. NOUN: the point of highest activity, quality, or achievement.
- She looked peaked and exhausted after the long journey. (她长途旅行后看起来疲惫不堪。)
- The company's profits reached their peaked level last year. (公司的利润去年达到了最高水平。)
- He appeared peaked and unwell, as if he hadn't slept in days. (他看起来病容满面,好像连续几天都没有睡觉。)
- The climbers finally reached the peak of the mountain. (登山者们最终到达了山顶。)
- The flu season is at its peak right now. (流感季节正处于高峰期。)
- She looked peaked and exhausted after the long journey. (她长途旅行后看起来疲惫不堪。)
- The company's profits reached their peaked level last year. (公司的利润去年达到了最高水平。)
- He appeared peaked and unwell, as if he hadn't slept in days. (他看起来病容满面,好像连续几天都没有睡觉。)
- The mountaineers finally reached the peak of the mountain. (登山者们最终到达了山顶。)
- The flu season is at its peak right now. (流感季节正处于高峰期。)
- Her face was peaked and gaunt from illness. (她因病而面色憔悴。)
- The peak of their success came with the release of their latest album. (他们最新专辑的发布是他们成功的顶峰。)
- The hiker stood atop the peak and marveled at the breathtaking view. (徒步旅行者站在山顶上,惊叹着令人叹为观止的景色。)
- His illness was at its peak during the summer months. (他的病在夏季达到了顶峰。)
- The company's stock prices have peaked and are now starting to decline. (公司的股价已经达到了最高点,现在开始下降。)
- The patient's condition peaked before gradually improving. (病人的病情在达到顶峰之前逐渐好转。)
- She felt peaked and weak after weeks of intense work. (经过几周的紧张工作后,她感觉疲惫不堪。)
- During the peak of summer, the beach is crowded with tourists. (在夏季的顶峰期,海滩上挤满了游客。)
- The peak of the mountain was covered in snow. (山顶被雪覆盖着。)
- He reached the peak of his career when he won the prestigious award. (他赢得了这个声望很高的奖项,达到了他职业生涯的巅峰。)
- Her interest in the subject peaked after reading an inspiring book. (她在读了一本鼓舞人心的书后对这个题目产生了兴趣的巅峰。)
- The runner's performance peaked during the final lap of the race. (赛跑者的表现在比赛的最后一圈达到了巅峰。)
- His popularity as an actor has peaked and he is now seeking new challenges. (他作为一名演员的知名度已经达到巅峰,现在正在寻求新的挑战。)
- The peaked cap protected his face from the sun. (帽檐保护他的脸不受阳光的照射。)
- She wore a peaked hat to the wedding. (她戴着一顶尖顶帽参加了婚礼。)
- The hiker stood at the peak of the mountain and admired the breathtaking view. (徒步旅行者站在山顶上,欣赏着令人叹为观止的景色。)
- The flu cases are expected to reach their peak in the coming weeks. (预计流感病例将在接下来的几周达到顶峰。)
- During the peak of his career, he was considered one of the greatest musicians of his time. (在他事业的顶峰时期,他被认为是他那个时代最伟大的音乐家之一。)
- The climber successfully reached the peak of Mount Everest. (登山者成功地到达了珠穆朗玛峰的顶峰。)