形容词: - 香的,有香气的 - 臭的,有臭味的 名词: - 气味,香气 - 臭味,恶臭 - 嗅觉,嗅闻能力词语辨析:
- scent: 通常指花朵、香水等发出的令人愉悦的气味。 - odor: 一般指不愉快或刺激性的气味,多用来形容恶臭。 - fragrance: 强调香气的芳香和愉悦。 - aroma: 强调香气的浓郁和持久。词汇扩充:
- smellable: 可闻到的 - smelliness: 臭味 - smelly: 臭的,有臭味的 - odorless: 无臭的 - fragrant: 芳香的,香的 - aromatic: 芳香的 - pungent: 刺鼻的,辛辣的 - musty: 发霉的,有霉味的近义词:
- aroma - odor - scent - fragrance反义词:
- odorless: 无臭的柯林斯词典:
smell noun 1. The sense of smell is the ability to notice or recognize scents. 2. A smell is a particular quality or impression that is produced by a particular substance or thing. 3. A smell is an unpleasant odor. 4. The smell of something is the feeling produced by the particles of it that you breathe in through your nose. verb 1. If you smell something, you become aware of it through your nose. 2. If something smells, it has a particular odor. 3. If you say that a place smells of a particular thing, you mean that it has a lot of that thing in it. 4. If you say that something smells like a particular thing, you mean that it has some of the same qualities or characteristics as that thing.牛津词典:
smell noun 1. The faculty or power of perceiving odors or scents by means of the organs in the nose. 2. A pleasant odor or scent. 3. A quality or atmosphere that is sensed or experienced. 4. An act of inhaling through the nose; a sniff. 5. A faint or pervasive quality or atmosphere of a particular type. verb 1. Perceive or detect the odor or scent of (something). 2. Emit an odor. 3. Have a particular odor; smell of a specific thing.用法:
- The flowers smell lovely. - The fish smells terrible. - I could detect a strange smell in the room. - She took a deep smell of the flowers. - The kitchen smelled of freshly baked bread. - This soap smells like lavender. - The roses had a beautiful fragrance. - The room was filled with a pleasant aroma. - The garbage had an unpleasant odor.例句:
- The freshly brewed coffee smells amazing.(新鲜煮的咖啡闻起来很棒。)
- The garbage truck left a terrible smell in the street.(垃圾车在街上留下了一股难闻的气味。)
- She has a keen smell for detecting gas leaks.(她有敏锐的嗅觉,可以察觉到煤气泄漏。)
- He took a deep smell of the freshly baked bread.(他深深地闻了一下刚出炉的面包。)
- The kitchen smelled delicious after she cooked the curry.(她煮咖喱后,厨房散发出美味的香气。)
- The roses have a sweet fragrance.(玫瑰花散发出甜美的香气。)
- The room was filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.(房间里弥漫着新鲜冲泡咖啡的香气。)
- The odor of rotten eggs was overwhelming.(臭鸡蛋的气味令人无法忍受。)
- He smelled the scent of roses as he walked through the garden.(他走过花园时,闻到了玫瑰的香味。)
- The bakery always smells like freshly baked bread.(面包店总是有新鲜烤面包的味道。)
- The garbage bin emitted a foul odor.(垃圾箱散发出一股难闻的气味。)
- He could sense the smell of danger in the air.(他能感觉到空气中的危险气息。)
- The perfume had a strong and alluring fragrance.(这款香水有浓郁而诱人的芳香。)
- The aroma of freshly ground coffee filled the kitchen.(新磨咖啡的香气弥漫在厨房里。)
- The smell of burnt toast lingered in the room.(烤焦的面包的味道在房间里弥漫。)
- The air smells clean after the rain.(雨后空气闻起来很清新。)
- The cheese smelled bad, so I threw it away.(奶酪闻起来很臭,所以我扔掉了。)
- The perfume smells like flowers.(这款香水闻起来像花朵。)
- She could detect the scent of her favorite perfume.(她能察觉出她最喜欢的香水的味道。)
- The odor from the garbage can was overpowering.(垃圾桶散发出的气味令人无法忍受。)
- The fresh air by the seaside had a salty smell.(海边的新鲜空气带有咸味。)