1. 备份的,备用的
1. 备份文件
2. 候补人员
3. 支持者,后援人员
4. 后备军
1. backup:指备份文件、备用设备等;备份的;备用的
2. substitute:指代替某人、某物的人或事物;代替的,替代的
3. replacement:指替换被损坏或丢失的东西;替换的
4. spare:指附加备用的东西;备用的
1. backup file:备份文件
2. backup disk:备份磁盘
3. backup plan:备份计划
4. backup power:备用电源
5. backup generator:备用发电机
6. backup copy:备份副本
1. reserve
2. spare
3. substitute
4. replacement
5. fallback
1. primary
2. original
3. main
4. principal
1. 这台计算机的备份文件存储在云端。
2. 我们需要一个备份计划来保护重要的数据。
3. 他是这个项目的备用领导者。
4. 在他离开之前,我们需要找到一个替代他的人。
- We should always keep backups of our important files. 我们应该始终保存重要文件的备份。
- Make sure you have a backup copy of the document. 确保你有该文件的备份副本。
- He is the backup goalkeeper for the team. 他是球队的替补门将。
- The company has a backup plan in case of emergencies. 公司有应急备份计划。
- They called in a backup generator when the power went out. 电力中断时,他们调用了备用发电机。
- Our IT department is responsible for creating regular backups of all the computer systems. 我们的IT部门负责定期备份所有计算机系统。
- She has a backup of all her important files on an external hard drive. 她在外置硬盘上备份了所有重要文件。
- He is the backup speaker for the conference in case the main speaker cannot attend. 如果主讲人不能出席,他将担任会议的备用演讲者。
- I have a spare phone as a backup in case my main phone gets lost or damaged. 我有一部备用手机,以防我的主要手机丢失或损坏。
- They have a backup plan for bad weather conditions during the outdoor event. 他们为户外活动的恶劣天气制定了备用计划。
- In case of a power outage, the backup power supply will automatically kick in. 一旦停电,备用电源将自动启动。
- She is a valuable backup player for the team, always ready to step in when needed. 她是球队中一名宝贵的替补球员,总是随时准备好上场。
- The backup disk contains all the necessary data for the system restore. 备份磁盘包含了系统恢复所需的所有数据。
- We need to have a backup copy of the presentation in case the file gets corrupted. 我们需要备份演示文稿的副本,以防文件损坏。
- He is the backup singer for the band, providing support vocals during performances. 他是乐队的备用歌手,在演出中提供支持的声乐。
- The backup dancers add an extra level of energy and excitement to the performance. 备用舞者给演出增添了额外的活力和兴奋。
- They always have a backup plan in case the main strategy fails. 他们总是有备用计划以防主要策略失败。
- She serves as a backup for her colleagues when they are on vacation. 当同事们度假时,她担任备用人员的职务。
- The team has a strong backup of supporters cheering for them during the game. 球队有大量的支持者在比赛期间为他们加油助威。
- The backup troops were ready to be deployed if necessary. 备用军队已准备好在必要时部署。