1. pairing
英 [ˈpeərɪŋ] 美 [ˈperɪŋ]
1. pairing
英 [ˈpeərɪŋ] 美 [ˈperɪŋ]
1. 配对;成对
2. (尤指体育比赛中的)配对赛,对阵
1. pair
英 [peə(r)] 美 [per]
1. 一对,一双;一副
2. 一对配偶;伴侣
3. 两个相似或相关的事物
matching, coupling, combination, twinning, mating
unpairing, separating, uncoupling, detaching, disconnection
pairing (noun)
1. The pairing of two things is the act of putting them together or considering them as a unit.
Example: The pairing of Bennett and McCartney was a marriage made in heaven.
2. In a sport or competition, a pairing is a match or contest between two people or teams.
Example: The draw for the first round produced some exciting pairings.
pairing (noun)
1. The action of matching or grouping things or people in pairs.
Example: A pairing of fresh, zingy flavors.
2. A match or contest between two individuals or teams.
Example: The tournament draw resulted in some unexpected pairings.
1. The pairing of the two musicians created a beautiful harmony.
2. The pairing of red wine with chocolate is a classic combination.
3. The team captain announced the pairings for the upcoming doubles tournament.
- The pairing of the two artists resulted in a unique collaboration. (这两位艺术家的合作产生了独特的协作。)
- I love the pairing of strawberries and cream. (我喜欢草莓和奶油的搭配。)
- The pairing of the experienced player with the rookie proved to be a winning combination. (经验丰富的选手与新手的搭档被证明是一个成功的组合。)
- In the tournament, the pairing of the top-ranked players was highly anticipated. (在比赛中,排名前几位的选手之间的对阵备受期待。)
- The chef's unique pairing of flavors created a memorable dining experience. (厨师独特的风味搭配创造了难忘的用餐体验。)
- She enjoyed the pairing of the red shoes with her black dress. (她喜欢将红鞋与黑裙子搭配起来。)
- The pairing of the crime-fighting duo led to a significant decrease in local crime rates. (这对打击犯罪的二人组的搭档导致了当地犯罪率的显著下降。)
- During the wine tasting, the sommelier explained the ideal pairings for each dish. (在品酒会上,侍酒师解释了每道菜的理想搭配。)
- The pairing of the two actors in the leading roles received rave reviews from critics. (这两位演员在主演角色中的搭档受到了评论家的好评。)
- He suggested a pairing of the blue tie with the gray suit. (他建议将蓝领带和灰色西装搭配。)
- Her pairing of the bold patterned wallpaper with simple furniture created a visually striking room. (她将大胆图案的墙纸与简单家具搭配在一起,创造出一个视觉上引人注目的房间。)
- The pairing of the two rival teams in the final match generated intense excitement among the spectators. (在决赛中两个敌对队伍的对阵在观众中引发了强烈的兴奋。)
- She experimented with various pairing combinations of spices in her cooking. (她在烹饪中尝试了各种不同的香料搭配组合。)
- The pairing of the detective and the forensic scientist proved to be a formidable crime-solving team. (这位侦探和法医科学家的搭档证明是一个强大的破案团队。)
- For the wine enthusiasts, the sommelier offered a tasting menu with suggested pairings for each course. (对于葡萄酒爱好者,侍酒师提供了一份品酒菜单,并为每道菜推荐了搭配酒品。)
- The pairing of the unlikely duo in the comedy resulted in hilarious on-screen chemistry. (这部喜剧中不太可能的二人组合在荧幕上产生了搞笑的化学效应。)
- She enjoyed the pairing of the delicate lace dress with the edgy leather jacket. (她喜欢将精致的蕾丝裙与前卫的皮夹克搭配。)
- The pairing of the two rival politicians in a televised debate created a highly anticipated showdown. (在电视辩论中,两位敌对的政治人物的对阵引起了极大的期待。)
- They experimented with pairing different types of cheese with various wines. (他们尝试用不同种类的奶酪搭配各种葡萄酒。)
- The pairing of the renowned pianist with the young prodigy resulted in a mesmerizing performance. (著名钢琴家与年轻神童的搭档导致了一场令人陶醉的演出。)
- The pairing of the bold red walls with the vibrant artwork created a visually stimulating space. (大胆的红色墙面与生动的艺术品的搭配创造了一个视觉上令人兴奋的空间。)