1. 枯萎的;枯竭的
英文释义:withered or exhausted by heat, fire, or some other destructive influence.
- The plants in the garden look blasted after the heatwave.(热浪过后,花园里的植物看起来枯萎了。)
- The tree was blasted by lightning.(树被雷劈焦了。)
2. 受到炸弹袭击的;受到爆破的
英文释义:damaged or destroyed by an explosion or explosive device.
- The building was left in ruins after the blasted explosion.(那栋建筑在爆炸后成了废墟。)
- The blasted bridge was completely destroyed.(那座被炸毁的桥完全坍塌了。)
3. 该死的;讨厌的
英文释义:used to express annoyance or frustration.
- The blasted car won't start again!(这该死的车又发动不了!)
- Why won't this blasted computer work properly?(为什么这个讨厌的电脑不能正常工作?)
1. 炸弹
英文释义:an explosive device.
- The soldier defused the blasted before it could explode.(士兵拆除了炸弹,防止其爆炸。)
- The terrorists planted a blasted in the city center.(恐怖分子在市中心安置了一颗炸弹。)
2. 诅咒;咒骂
英文释义:a curse or expression of anger or annoyance.
- He muttered a few choice blasteds under his breath.(他低声咒骂了几句。)
- She let out a stream of blasteds when she stubbed her toe.(她在绊到脚趾时发出一连串的咒骂。)
形容词 blasted 和其他形容词的区别:
- blasted and withered:枯萎的
- blasted and scorched:焦黑的
- blasted and desolate:荒凉的
- blasted landscape:荒漠景观
- blasted dreams:破碎的梦想
- blasted hopes:破灭的希望
形容词:withered, scorched, desolate
名词:explosion, bomb
形容词:flourishing, thriving
名词:growth, success
blasted (形容词)
1. If something is blasted, it has been severely damaged, spoiled, or affected by something such as a bomb, a disease, or bad weather.
2. You can use blasted to express anger or annoyance. (mainly British, informal, rude)
blasted (形容词)
1. (British, informal) Used for emphasis, especially to express annoyance or frustration.
2. (North American, informal) Used as an intensifier, especially to express anger or frustration.
3. (British) Damned; confounded.
1. The blasted tree stood as a stark reminder of the lightning strike.(那棵被雷击中的枯萎树成为一个显眼的提醒。)
2. I can't stand this blasted noise anymore!(我再也受不了这该死的噪音了!)
3. The entire village was blasted by the explosion.(整个村庄被爆炸冲击波摧毁了。)
4. She let out a stream of blasteds when she realized she had lost her wallet.(她发现自己丢了钱包后,嘴里喃喃自语着一连串的咒骂。)
5. The blasted car won't start no matter what I do.(不管我怎么做,这辆该死的车就是发动不了。)
1. The plants in the garden look blasted after the heatwave.(热浪过后,花园里的植物看起来枯萎了。)
2. The tree was blasted by lightning.(树被雷劈焦了。)
3. The building was left in ruins after the blasted explosion.(那栋建筑在爆炸后成了废墟。)
4. The blasted bridge was completely destroyed.(那座被炸毁的桥完全坍塌了。)
5. The blasted car won't start again!(这该死的车又发动不了!)
6. Why won't this blasted computer work properly?(为什么这个讨厌的电脑不能正常工作?)
7. The soldier defused the blasted before it could explode.(士兵拆除了炸弹,防止其爆炸。)
8. The terrorists planted a blasted in the city center.(恐怖分子在市中心安置了一颗炸弹。)
9. He muttered a few choice blasteds under his breath.(他低声咒骂了几句。)
10. She let out a stream of blasteds when she stubbed her toe.(她在绊到脚趾时发出一连串的咒骂。)
11. The blasted landscape seemed to stretch on forever.(那片荒凉的景观似乎延绵无尽。)
12. Their blasted dreams of fame and fortune came crashing down.(他们破碎的名利之梦砰然垮塌。)
13. After multiple failed attempts, their blasted hopes of success began to fade.(经过多次失败尝试,他们的破灭的成功希望开始黯淡下去。)
14. The blasted tree stood as a stark reminder of the lightning strike.(那棵被雷击中的枯萎树成为一个显眼的提醒。)
15. I can't stand this blasted noise anymore!(我再也受不了这该死的噪音了!)
16. The entire village was blasted by the explosion.(整个村庄被爆炸冲击波摧毁了。)
17. She let out a stream of blasteds when she realized she had lost her wallet.(她发现自己丢了钱包后,嘴里喃喃自语着一连串的咒骂。)
18. The blasted car won't start no matter what I do.(不管我怎么做,这辆该死的车就是发动不了。)
19. The blasted noise from the construction site kept me awake all night.(建筑工地传来的该死噪音让我整晚都睡不着。)
20. The blasted rain ruined our picnic plans.(这该死的雨毁了我们的野餐计划。)