1. 形容词
- She is currently involved in an examining committee to investigate the allegations.(她目前参与了一个调查委员会来调查这些指控。)
- The police are conducting an examining process to gather evidence.(警方正在进行一个审查过程来收集证据。)
2. 名词
- The examining of the documents took several hours.(文件的审查花费了几个小时。)
- He prepared for the examining by studying all night.(他通宵学习,为考试做准备。)
- Please examine the evidence carefully before making a decision.(在作出决定之前,请仔细审查证据。)
- The supervisor will inspect the construction site for safety compliance.(主管将检查施工现场是否符合安全要求。)
- examination:考试,检查
- examiner:考官,审查员
- examinable:可检查的,可审查的
- examinant:受审查者,受考试者
examining:(动词) inspect, investigate, study, consider, analyze, test牛津词典
examining:(动词) inspect, investigate, check, scrutinize, study, assess用法
- The lawyer spent hours examining the evidence before the trial.(律师在庭审前花了几个小时审查证据。)
- The committee is examining the financial statements to identify any irregularities.(委员会正在审查财务报表以发现任何不正常之处。)
- She is examining the patient's medical history to determine the cause of the symptoms.(她正在审查病人的病史以确定症状的原因。)
- The teacher is examining the students' essays for grammatical errors.(老师正在审查学生的文章,寻找语法错误。)
- The police are examining the crime scene for any evidence that may lead to the suspect.(警方正在检查犯罪现场,寻找可能导向嫌疑人的任何证据。)
- The company is examining the feasibility of launching a new product.(公司正在审查推出新产品的可行性。)
- He is examining the proposal carefully before making a decision.(在做决定之前,他正在仔细研究这个提案。)
- During the interview, the interviewer will examine the candidate's qualifications and skills.(在面试中,面试官将审查候选人的资格和技能。)
- The doctor will examine your eyes to check your vision.(医生将检查你的眼睛以检查视力。)
- The teacher is examining the students' understanding of the subject through a written test.(老师通过笔试来检查学生对这门科目的理解。)
- The audit team is examining the company's financial records.(审计团队正在审查公司的财务记录。)
- He is examining the data to identify any patterns or trends.(他正在检查数据以确定任何模式或趋势。)
- The scientist is examining the microscope slide under high magnification.(科学家正在使用高倍镜检查显微镜载玻片。)
- The inspector is examining the construction site for compliance with safety regulations.(检查员正在检查施工现场是否符合安全规定。)
- The teacher is examining the students' artwork for creativity and technique.(老师正在审查学生的艺术作品,评估创意和技巧。)
- The detective is examining the crime scene for any clues.(侦探正在检查犯罪现场,寻找任何线索。)
- The committee is examining the proposal to determine its feasibility.(委员会正在审查这个提案,以确定其可行性。)
- The lawyer is examining the witness to gather more information about the case.(律师正在审问证人,以收集更多关于案件的信息。)
- The doctor is examining the patient to diagnose the illness.(医生正在检查病人以诊断疾病。)
- The researcher is examining the effects of the drug on mice.(研究人员正在研究这种药物对小鼠的影响。)
- The professor is examining the student's thesis for originality and contribution to the field.(教授正在审查学生的论文,评估其在该领域的独创性和贡献。)