形容词- 发炎的;红肿的
- 激动的;激怒的
- 热烈的;狂热的
- 发炎
inflammation (名词):炎症
inflammatory (形容词):煽动性的;激动性的
inflammable (形容词):易燃的
swollen, red, irritated, aroused
calm, cool, soothe, alleviate
- If a part of your body is inflamed, it is red and swollen because of infection or injury.
- If a situation or issue is inflamed, it is very angry or excited.
- Inflammation is a condition in which a part of your body becomes red, swollen, and sore.
- Red, swollen, and painful as a result of infection or injury.
- Characterized or caused by inflammation.
- A localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infection.
1. My throat is inflamed and I have a high fever. (adj.)
2. The inflamed crowd shouted angrily at the politician. (adj.)
3. The doctor prescribed medication to reduce the inflammation in my knee. (n.)
4. The inflammatory speech provoked a strong reaction from the audience. (adj.)
- Her eyes were red and inflamed from crying. (她的眼睛因哭泣而红肿。)
- The wound became inflamed and started to ooze pus. (伤口发炎并开始渗出脓液。)
- The inflammatory article caused a lot of controversy. (这篇煽动性的文章引起了很多争议。)
- His inflamed remarks only worsened the situation. (他激动的言辞只会使情况更糟。)
- She applied a cold compress to the inflamed area. (她在发炎的部位敷上冷敷物。)
- The doctor prescribed an anti-inflammatory medication for the patient's swollen joints. (医生为患者肿胀的关节开了一种抗炎药物。)
- The inflammation in his throat made it difficult for him to swallow. (他喉咙的炎症使他很难咽下东西。)
- The inflamed area was tender to the touch. (触摸发炎的部位会感到疼痛。)
- The inflammatory rhetoric used by the politician only fueled the anger of the crowd. (政治家使用的煽动性言辞只会激起人群的愤怒。)
- The inflammation in her knee was caused by an injury during sports. (她膝盖的发炎是因为运动中受伤。)
- The inflamed debate over the issue divided the members of the committee. (关于这个问题的激烈辩论使委员会成员产生了分歧。)
- The doctor recommended using a topical cream to soothe the inflamed skin. (医生建议使用外用乳膏来舒缓发炎的皮肤。)
- The inflammatory comments made by the speaker ignited a heated discussion. (演讲者的煽动性言论引发了一场激烈的讨论。)
- The inflammation in his joints made it difficult for him to walk. (他关节的炎症使他很难行走。)
- The inflamed rhetoric used by the politician angered many people. (政治家使用的激动言辞激怒了很多人。)
- The doctor prescribed an anti-inflammatory drug to reduce the swelling. (医生开了一种抗炎药来减轻肿胀。)
- The inflammation in her gums was caused by poor oral hygiene. (她牙龈的发炎是由于口腔卫生不良引起的。)
- The athlete's inflamed muscles needed rest and ice therapy. (运动员发炎的肌肉需要休息和冰敷疗法。)
- The politician's inflammatory speech caused outrage among the audience. (政治家的煽动性演讲引起了观众的愤怒。)
- The doctor examined the inflamed area to determine the cause of the swelling. (医生检查了发炎的部位以确定肿胀的原因。)