中英词典 - "vaunted"
vaunted [ˈvɔːntɪd] /ˈvɔːntɪd/
1. 被吹嘘的;被夸大的;被吹捧的
2. 自诩的;自夸的
vaunted [ˈvɔːntɪd] /ˈvɔːntɪd/
1. 被吹嘘的事物;夸耀的对象
vaunted 和 boasted 都表示被吹嘘或夸耀,但vaunted 更强调被夸大或被吹捧的意思。
vauntingly [ˈvɔːntɪŋli] /ˈvɔːntɪŋli/ 副词
boastful, bragging, swaggering, self-promoting
humble, modest
vaunted [ˈvɔːntɪd] (被吹嘘的、被夸大的)
1. 形容词 If you refer to someone's vaunted qualities, you mean that people often talk about them in a way that is intended to make them seem impressive or important, although you may not believe this is justified.
Vaunted political reforms failed to create a more open society.
2. 形容词 Vaunted means the same as vaulted.
The church has a vaunted ceiling.
vaunted [ˈvɔːntɪd] (被吹捧的、被夸大的)
1. 形容词 Talked about with great pride or enthusiasm.
The vaunted achievements of the party
2. 形容词 (Of an architectural feature) having the form of a vault; arched.
A vaunted roof
vaunted 作形容词时,可指被吹嘘的品质或事物,也可指建筑物的拱形特征。
- His vaunted cooking skills turned out to be quite ordinary. (他所自吹自擂的烹饪技巧事实上很普通。)
- The team's vaunted defense collapsed under pressure. (球队备受瞩目的防守在压力下崩溃了。)
- Despite all his vaunted wealth, he seemed unhappy. (尽管他所吹嘘的财富,他似乎并不快乐。)
- She was tired of his vauntingly talking about his accomplishments. (她厌倦了他夸夸其谈地谈论自己的成就。)
- The vaunted technology failed to live up to expectations. (备受吹捧的技术未能达到期望。)
- His vaunted intelligence proved to be nothing more than average. (他所夸耀的智力最终证明只是平均水平。)
- The vaunted skills of the magician left the audience in awe. (魔术师所吹嘘的技巧让观众惊叹不已。)
- He was known for his vaunting nature, always boasting about his accomplishments. (他以自夸的性格而闻名,总是吹嘘自己的成就。)
- The vaunted city skyline was visible from the hilltop. (从山顶可以看到备受赞誉的城市天际线。)
- She grew tired of his vaunted promises that were never fulfilled. (她厌倦了他从未兑现的吹嘘的承诺。)
- The vaunted beauty of the painting was marveled by all who saw it. (所有见过这幅画的人都对其备受赞誉的美感到惊叹。)
- Many were disappointed by the vaunted new product. (很多人对备受吹捧的新产品感到失望。)
- The vaunted restaurant failed to meet expectations. (备受吹捧的餐厅未能达到期望。)
- He vaunted his wealth and success at every opportunity. (他总是在任何机会都自吹自擂地炫耀自己的财富和成功。)
- Her vaunted musical talent was evident in her performance. (她在表演中展现出备受瞩目的音乐才华。)
- The vaunted technology proved to be unreliable. (备受吹捧的技术证明是不可靠的。)
- Despite their vauntingly positive reviews, the movie failed to attract a large audience. (尽管电影备受瞩目的正面评价,但未能吸引大量观众。)
- His vaunted bravery disappeared when faced with real danger. (当面对真正的危险时,他所吹嘘的勇敢消失了。)
- The vaunted leader turned out to be corrupt and dishonest. (备受吹捧的领导人最终被证明是腐败和不诚实的。)
- Despite their vaunted reputation, the company went bankrupt. (尽管公司声名在外,但最终破产了。)